Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Grief Panda (2019)

Original title: the grief panda
21 min| tv series
Comedy, Romantic
in the aftermath of will and mccoy breaking up, grace and jack hire the grief panda to help will process his pain; with karen completely occupied with her baseball team, grace believes that she has to fire karen in order to set her free.


James BurrowsJames Burrowsregista

Production and Screenplay

Jon Kinnallyscrittore
Tracy Poustscrittore
Mariel Manimtimproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Debra MessingDebra Messing(età:51)
Sean HayesSean Hayes(età:49)
Vanessa BayerVanessa Bayer(età:38)
Ben GirouxBen Giroux(età:35)

Technical staff

Peter d. Beytmontatore
Gary Baumdirettore della fotografia