Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Three Doctors: Episode Three (1973)

Original title: the three doctors: episode three
| tv series|


Lennie Mayneregista

Production and Screenplay

Bob Bakerscrittore
Barry LettsBarry Lettsproduttore
Dave Martinscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

John LeveneJohn Levene(età:32)
Jon PertweeJon Pertwee(età:54)
Roy Purcell(età:54)
Alan Chuntz(età:46)
Katy ManningKaty Manning(età:27)
Graham Leaman(età:53)
Rex Robinson(età:47)

Technical staff

James Achesoncostumista
Dudley Simpsonmusiche
Ann Raymenttruccatore
Roger Limintonscenografo
Jim Walkermontatore