Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Death to the Daleks: Part One (1974)

Original title: death to the daleks: part one
| tv series|


Production and Screenplay

Terry NationTerry Nationscrittore
Barry LettsBarry Lettsproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

dalek voices
Duncan Lamont(età:56)
Jon PertweeJon Pertwee(età:55)
Marc Boyle(età:29)
John AbineriJohn Abineri(età:46)
Terry Walsh(età:35)
Julian Fox(età:36)
Nigel Winder(età:29)

Technical staff

Colin Greenscenografo
Magdalen Gaffneytruccatore
L. Rowland-warnecostumista
Bob Rymermontatore

Voices and Dubbing