Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The End of Tomorrow (1964)

Original title: the end of tomorrow
| tv series|


Richard MartinRichard Martinregista

Production and Screenplay

Terry NationTerry Nationscrittore
Verity Lambertproduttore
Mervyn Pinfieldproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

dr. who
Bernard Kay(età:36)
Ann Davies(età:30)
Robert JewellRobert Jewell(età:44)
Gerald Taylor(età:24)
Kevin Manser(età:35)
Graham Rigby(età:37)
Alan Judd(età:55)

Technical staff

Betty Blattnertruccatore
Daphne Darecostumista
Spencer Chapmanscenografo
John Griffithsmontatore
Tony Pearcecostumista

Voices and Dubbing