Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Ambassadors of Death: Episode 1 (1970)

Original title: the ambassadors of death: episode 1
| tv series|


Production and Screenplay

Barry LettsBarry Lettsproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Jon PertweeJon Pertwee(età:51)
Alf Joint(età:43)
John AbineriJohn Abineri(età:42)
Caroline JohnCaroline John(età:30)
Terry Walsh(età:31)
Eric Kent(età:33)
Alan Chuntz(età:43)
Pat GormanPat Gorman(età:37)
Ric Felgate(età:37)

Technical staff

Dudley Simpsonmusiche
Christine Rawlinscostumista
Marion Richardstruccatore
Don Goddenmontatore