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Here There Be Monsters (2002)

Original title: here there be monsters
Production: Canada, USA|44 min| tv series
Science fiction, Dramatic, Mystery
despite a terrifying vision, johnny tries to help a tiny, superstitious town in massachusettets where fear and paranoia has gripped the community following a little girl's disappearance, where he and and bruce soon become suspects.


Michael Robisonregista

Production and Screenplay

Michael PillerMichael Pillerproduttore esecutivo
Lloyd Seganproduttore esecutivo
David Benulloscrittore
Robert Petroviczproduttore
Harold Tichenorproduttore
Shawn PillerShawn Pillerproduttore esecutivo
Michael TaylorMichael Taylorproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Tim Henry(età:58)
Kirsten ProutKirsten Prout(età:12)
Bill MondyBill Mondy(età:37)
John l. AdamsJohn l. Adams(età:29)

Technical staff

Bakstad Naomitruccatore
Byron Kingscenografo
Katalin Lippayparrucchiere
Stephen Mcnuttdirettore della fotografia
Eric DawsonEric Dawsoncasting
Joel Beckermanmusiche
Dave Reesmontatore