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David di Donatello 1982

the david di donatello is an italian film award, awarded by the ente david di donatello of the academy of italian cinema since 1956.

Edition number 27 of the event; awards assigned:

Miglior film straniero

poster del film Mephisto
  for the movie Mephisto

Migliore produzione straniera

poster del film Reds
  for the movie Reds
Assigned to
Warren Beatty

best foreign actor

poster del film Mephisto
  for the movie Mephisto
Assigned to
Klaus Maria Brandauer

best foreign actress

poster del film Reds
  for the movie Reds
Assigned to
Diane Keaton

best supporting actor

poster del film borotalco
  for the movie borotalco
Assigned to
Angelo Infanti

best emerging actor or actress

  for the movie cercasi gesù
Assigned to
Beppe Grillo
  for the movie le occasioni di rosa
Assigned to
Marina Suma

rené clair

  for the movie the boat is full
Assigned to
Markus Imhoof
  for the movie pedon merkki
Assigned to
Jaakko Pakkasvirta