Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Silver Ribbon 2014 (june 28, 2014)

the silver ribbon is a cinematographic award awarded by the national syndicate of italian film journalists (sngci) since 1946.

Edition number 69 of the event; awards assigned:

Regista del miglior film

poster del film Human Capital
  for the movie Human Capital
Assigned to
Paolo Virzì
nominations for the movie :

Migliore fotografia

poster del film Salvo
  for the movie Salvo
Assigned to
Daniele Ciprì
nominations for the movie :

Migliore scenografia

poster del film Human Capital
  for the movie Human Capital
Assigned to
Mauro Radaelli
nominations for the movie :

Migliori costumi

poster del film Grand Budapest Hotel
  for the movie Grand Budapest Hotel
Assigned to
Milena Canonero
nominations for the movie :

Premio Guglielmo Biraghi

poster del film Human Capital
  for the movie Human Capital
Assigned to
Matilde Gioli
poster del film sapore di te
  for the movie sapore di te
Assigned to
Eugenio Franceschini
poster del film maldamore
  for the movie maldamore
Assigned to
Eugenio Franceschini
poster del film sotto una buona stella
  for the movie sotto una buona stella
Assigned to
Lorenzo Richelmy
poster del film Salvo
  for the movie Salvo
Assigned to
Sara Serraiocco
poster del film il terzo tempo
  for the movie il terzo tempo
Assigned to
Lorenzo Richelmy
poster del film 45th Parallel
  for the movie 45th Parallel
Assigned to
Eugenio Franceschini