Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Jacopo Bonanni

Jacopo Bonanni
Birth: february 17, 1992

Jacopo Bonanni: dubber. Birth february 17, 1992.


Romaric Perche [Dubbing in 4 Movie]
Forrest LandisForrest Landis [Dubbing in 3 Movie]
Joel CourtneyJoel Courtney [Dubbing in 3 Movie]
Alexander LudwigAlexander Ludwig [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Brett KellyBrett Kelly [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Cameron BrightCameron Bright [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Freddie HighmoreFreddie Highmore [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Aaron Wolff [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Adiel Stein [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Alexander Brickel [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Alexander Pownall [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Angus T. jonesAngus T. jones [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Bee VangBee Vang [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Ben HawkeyBen Hawkey [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Brian Falduto [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
C.j.sandersC.j.sanders [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Cayden BoydCayden Boyd [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Chase EllisonChase Ellison [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Chris ColferChris Colfer [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Daniel E. SmithDaniel E. Smith [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
David DorfmanDavid Dorfman [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Doug Plaut [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Dylan MclaughlinDylan Mclaughlin [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Frankie Ryan ManriquezFrankie Ryan Manriquez [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jansen PanettiereJansen Panettiere [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jesse JamesJesse James [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Joseph Foster [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Josh HutchersonJosh Hutcherson [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Julien Léal [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Keir GilchristKeir Gilchrist [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Logan LermanLogan Lerman [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Malcolm David kelleyMalcolm David kelley [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Marcus carl Franklin [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Nate Hartley [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Niall WrightNiall Wright [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Oliver DavisOliver Davis [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Paulie LittPaulie Litt [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Riccardo Simone sicardi [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Ricky Colomer [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Ryan MalgariniRyan Malgarini [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Ryan Wilson (attore) [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Scotty LeavenworthScotty Leavenworth [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Skandar KeynesSkandar Keynes [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Sterling KnightSterling Knight [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Théodul Carré-cassaigne [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Thomas BatuelloThomas Batuello [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Tommy KnightTommy Knight [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Valentin Lelong [Dubbing in 1 Movie]