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Serie TV: Arrow, Season 2012-2013 (2012)


 Season Episodes

23 Episodes:

1) Pilot
3) Lone Gunmen
5) Damaged
6) Legacies
7) Muse of Fire
8) Vendetta
9) Year's End
10) Burned
12) Vertigo
13) Betrayal
14) The Odyssey
15) Dodger
16) Dead to Rights
18) Salvation
20) Home Invasion
21) The Undertaking
23) Sacrifice


Guy Norman BeeGuy Norman Bee [3 Episodes]
John Behring [3 Episodes]
Michael SchultzMichael Schultz [2 Episodes]
Nick CopusNick Copus [2 Episodes]
Kenneth FinkKenneth Fink [2 Episodes]
Eagle EgilssonEagle Egilsson [2 Episodes]
David Barrett [2 Episodes]
Vincent Misiano [1 Episodes]
David Nutter [1 Episodes]
John Dahl [1 Episodes]
David Grossman [1 Episodes]
Michael OfferMichael Offer [1 Episodes]
Glen Winter [1 Episodes]
Wendey Stanzler [1 Episodes]


Susanna ThompsonSusanna Thompson  (Moira Queen)[23 Episodes]
Colin DonnellColin Donnell  (Tommy Merlyn)[23 Episodes]
Colin SalmonColin Salmon  (Walter Steele)[10 Episodes]
Byron MannByron Mann  (Yao-fei)[10 Episodes]
Sebastian Dunn  (Eddie Fyers)[10 Episodes]
Marrett Green  [10 Episodes]
Celina JadeCelina Jade  (Shado)[6 Episodes]
Christie Laing  (Carly Diggle)[6 Episodes]
Kelly HuKelly Hu  (China White)[5 Episodes]
Jeffrey c. Robinson  [5 Episodes]
Lee Vincent  [5 Episodes]
Chin HanChin Han  (Frank Chen)[4 Episodes]
Jamey SheridanJamey Sheridan  (Robert Queen)[3 Episodes]
Alex KingstonAlex Kingston  (Dinah Lance)[3 Episodes]
Adrian HolmesAdrian Holmes  [3 Episodes]
Jarod JosephJarod Joseph  [3 Episodes]
Mi-jung LeeMi-jung Lee  [3 Episodes]
Valerie TianValerie Tian  [3 Episodes]
Seth GabelSeth Gabel  (Il Conte)[2 Episodes]
Matthew Hoglie  [2 Episodes]
Brian MarkinsonBrian Markinson  [2 Episodes]
Robert Weiss  [2 Episodes]
Wade Sun  [2 Episodes]
Lesley Ewen  [2 Episodes]
Tom Macneill  [2 Episodes]
Hiro KanagawaHiro Kanagawa  [2 Episodes]
Barry Nerling  [2 Episodes]
Bill Croft  [2 Episodes]
Rhys WilliamsRhys Williams  [2 Episodes]
David Lyle  [2 Episodes]
Eugene LipinskiEugene Lipinski  [2 Episodes]
John SpecognaJohn Specogna  [2 Episodes]
David Quinlan  [2 Episodes]
Thomas Cadrot  [2 Episodes]
Dalias Blake  [2 Episodes]
Bombyx du Murier  [2 Episodes]
Patrick SabonguiPatrick Sabongui  [2 Episodes]
Melissa RoxburghMelissa Roxburgh  [2 Episodes]
Currie GrahamCurrie Graham  (Derek Reston)[1 Episodes]
Tahmoh PenikettTahmoh Penikett  (Nick Salvati)[1 Episodes]
Danny NucciDanny Nucci  (Raynes)[1 Episodes]
James CallisJames Callis  (The Dodger)[1 Episodes]
Shaw Madson  [1 Episodes]
Ulla Friis  [1 Episodes]
Eileen PeddeEileen Pedde  [1 Episodes]
Chad RileyChad Riley  [1 Episodes]
Artin John  [1 Episodes]
Connor Dunn  [1 Episodes]
Karen HolnessKaren Holness  [1 Episodes]
Genea CharpentierGenea Charpentier  [1 Episodes]
Ernie Jackson  [1 Episodes]
Babak A. motamed  [1 Episodes]
Ray Galletti  [1 Episodes]
Steve AokiSteve Aoki  [1 Episodes]
Tarun KeramTarun Keram  [1 Episodes]
Cassandra Ebner  [1 Episodes]
Steven Jeays  [1 Episodes]
Alex Rose  [1 Episodes]
Ian Thompson  [1 Episodes]
Paul LazenbyPaul Lazenby  [1 Episodes]
Steve Makaj  [1 Episodes]
Ben CottonBen Cotton  [1 Episodes]
Ben Wilkinson  [1 Episodes]
Hugo Steele  [1 Episodes]
Julia Dominczak  [1 Episodes]
Peter Benson  [1 Episodes]
T.J. RaminiT.J. Ramini  [1 Episodes]
Duncan OllerenshawDuncan Ollerenshaw  [1 Episodes]
Evan Frayne  [1 Episodes]
Gardiner MillarGardiner Millar  [1 Episodes]
Shekhar Paleja  [1 Episodes]
Eric Floyd  [1 Episodes]
Lindsay Winch  [1 Episodes]
Chelah HorsdalChelah Horsdal  [1 Episodes]
Bruce DawsonBruce Dawson  [1 Episodes]
Marcus Rosner  [1 Episodes]
Tobias Slezak  [1 Episodes]
Mike Carpenter  [1 Episodes]
Stephen Powell  [1 Episodes]
Warren ChristieWarren Christie  [1 Episodes]
Ona GrauerOna Grauer  [1 Episodes]
Richard Keats  [1 Episodes]
Silvio Pollio  [1 Episodes]
Lane EdwardsLane Edwards  [1 Episodes]
Brenda Matthews  [1 Episodes]
Ben BrowderBen Browder  [1 Episodes]
Kurt Evans  [1 Episodes]
Laci J MaileyLaci J Mailey  [1 Episodes]
Shaun Omaid  [1 Episodes]
Lisa marie Digiacinto  [1 Episodes]
Andres Markwart  [1 Episodes]
Kevin Haaland  [1 Episodes]
Eli Shapera  [1 Episodes]
Kyle SchmidKyle Schmid  [1 Episodes]
Jacqueline SamudaJacqueline Samuda  [1 Episodes]
Philip Prajoux  [1 Episodes]
Alyson BathAlyson Bath  [1 Episodes]
Carolyn Adair  [1 Episodes]
Lini Evans  [1 Episodes]
Alex ZaharaAlex Zahara  [1 Episodes]
Agam Darshi  [1 Episodes]
Simon Bradbury  [1 Episodes]
Link BakerLink Baker  [1 Episodes]
Darren Shahlavi  [1 Episodes]
Darryl Quon  [1 Episodes]
Mathew Yanagiya  [1 Episodes]
Lexie Huber  [1 Episodes]
William Vaughan  [1 Episodes]
Paul Boyle  [1 Episodes]
Sachin SahelSachin Sahel  [1 Episodes]
Georgia Hacche  [1 Episodes]
Callum seagram Airlie  [1 Episodes]
Justin Doran  [1 Episodes]
Shawn StewartShawn Stewart  [1 Episodes]
Laura Soltis  [1 Episodes]
Richard StrohRichard Stroh  [1 Episodes]
David AndersDavid Anders  [1 Episodes]
Nelson Leis  [1 Episodes]
Michael Bean  [1 Episodes]
Elizabeth Weinstein  [1 Episodes]
Scott Lyster  [1 Episodes]
Serge Houde  [1 Episodes]
Michasha ArmstrongMichasha Armstrong  [1 Episodes]
Broadus Mattison  [1 Episodes]
Greg Larson  [1 Episodes]
Terry ChenTerry Chen  [1 Episodes]
Tommy Europe  [1 Episodes]
Michael Roselli  [1 Episodes]
Kathleen GatiKathleen Gati  [1 Episodes]
Ty OlssonTy Olsson  [1 Episodes]
Eric BrekerEric Breker  [1 Episodes]
Mike Desabrais  [1 Episodes]
Colin LawrenceColin Lawrence  [1 Episodes]
Dean Redman  [1 Episodes]
Glenn EnnisGlenn Ennis  [1 Episodes]
Vaughn Clements  [1 Episodes]
Jessica HarmonJessica Harmon  [1 Episodes]
Darren DolynskiDarren Dolynski  [1 Episodes]
Anna van HooftAnna van Hooft  [1 Episodes]
Marc Senior  [1 Episodes]
Joanne Wilson  [1 Episodes]
Claude Duhamel  [1 Episodes]
Byron Noble  [1 Episodes]
Paul PiaskowskiPaul Piaskowski  [1 Episodes]
Brendon Halcrow  [1 Episodes]
Rob HayterRob Hayter  [1 Episodes]
Kevin O'Grady  [1 Episodes]
Fraser Corbett  [1 Episodes]
Jaeson Lee  [1 Episodes]
Douglas Chapman  [1 Episodes]
Jessica Schreier  [1 Episodes]
Nicole Hombrebueno  [1 Episodes]
Emma BellEmma Bell  [1 Episodes]
Sarah-Jane RedmondSarah-Jane Redmond  [1 Episodes]
Monte Thompson  [1 Episodes]
David Milchard  [1 Episodes]
Drew Ray TannerDrew Ray Tanner  [1 Episodes]
Simon ChinSimon Chin  [1 Episodes]
Dean paul Gibson  [1 Episodes]
Lucy Page  [1 Episodes]
Peter Brown  [1 Episodes]
Rick TaeRick Tae  [1 Episodes]
Lee Tichon  [1 Episodes]
Duncan Mclellan  [1 Episodes]
Freda Perry  [1 Episodes]
Rekha SharmaRekha Sharma  [1 Episodes]
Sage BrocklebankSage Brocklebank  [1 Episodes]
Gaelan Beatty  [1 Episodes]
Derek HamiltonDerek Hamilton  [1 Episodes]
John Shaw  [1 Episodes]
George TchortovGeorge Tchortov  [1 Episodes]
Al SapienzaAl Sapienza  [1 Episodes]
Christopher Redman  [1 Episodes]
Kirby MorrowKirby Morrow  [1 Episodes]
Tristan JensenTristan Jensen  [1 Episodes]
Tatyana Forrest  [1 Episodes]
Desiree Zurowski  [1 Episodes]
Alex DafoeAlex Dafoe  [1 Episodes]
Rebecca Rifai  [1 Episodes]
Christopher Pearce  [1 Episodes]
Tom Stevens  [1 Episodes]
Julius Fair  [1 Episodes]
Mark Ghanimé  [1 Episodes]
Craig March  [1 Episodes]
Ramon Terrell  [1 Episodes]
Jason Bempong  [1 Episodes]
John Cassini  [1 Episodes]
Chang Tseng  [1 Episodes]
Erika Smith  [1 Episodes]
Elizabeth ThaiElizabeth Thai  [1 Episodes]
James BamfordJames Bamford  [1 Episodes]
Andrew Hedge  [1 Episodes]
John Wardlow  [1 Episodes]
Al Christianson  [1 Episodes]
Robert Moloney  [1 Episodes]
Juno Rinaldi  [1 Episodes]
Noel Johansen  [1 Episodes]