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Serie TV: Ghost Whisperer, Season 2007-2008 (2007)


 Season Episodes

18 Episodes:

3) Haunted Hero
4) No Safe Place
8) Bad Blood
10) Holiday Spirit
11) Slam
14) The Gravesitter
15) Horror Show
16) Deadbeat Dads
17) Stranglehold
18) Pater Familias


Eric LaneuvilleEric Laneuville [4 Episodes]
Ian SanderIan Sander [3 Episodes]
Frederick E.O. ToyeFrederick E.O. Toye [3 Episodes]
John Gray [2 Episodes]
Gloria Muzio [2 Episodes]
Peter WernerPeter Werner [1 Episodes]
Mark Rosman [1 Episodes]
Steven Robman [1 Episodes]
Peter O'fallon [1 Episodes]


David ConradDavid Conrad  (Jim Clancy)[18 Episodes]
Camryn ManheimCamryn Manheim  (Delia Banks)[18 Episodes]
Jay MohrJay Mohr  (Rick Payne)[18 Episodes]
Christoph SandersChristoph Sanders  (Ned Banks)[4 Episodes]
Martin DonovanMartin Donovan  [4 Episodes]
Afemo OmilamiAfemo Omilami  [4 Episodes]
Omid AbtahiOmid Abtahi  (Justin Yates)[3 Episodes]
Kris LemcheKris Lemche  [3 Episodes]
Corin NemecCorin Nemec  [3 Episodes]
Anne ArcherAnne Archer  (Beth Gordon)[2 Episodes]
Kurt CaceresKurt Caceres  [2 Episodes]
Bob RossBob Ross  [2 Episodes]
Sarah J. cornelius  [2 Episodes]
Haley Pullos  [2 Episodes]
June SquibbJune Squibb  (Nonna)[1 Episodes]
Jon PolitoJon Polito  (Joe Grimaldi)[1 Episodes]
David RamseyDavid Ramsey  (Will Bennett)[1 Episodes]
Rachel ShelleyRachel Shelley  (Kate Payne)[1 Episodes]
Josh HopkinsJosh Hopkins  (Shane Carson)[1 Episodes]
Mike ErwinMike Erwin  (Kevin Graham)[1 Episodes]
Orlando JonesOrlando Jones  (Casey Edgars)[1 Episodes]
Mimi KennedyMimi Kennedy  (Tracy Edmondson)[1 Episodes]
Katie LowesKatie Lowes  (Julie Anderson)[1 Episodes]
Katherine Kamhi  (Deb Yates)[1 Episodes]
Brent TarnolBrent Tarnol  (Josh)[1 Episodes]
Margaret Easley  (Brenda)[1 Episodes]
José ZunigaJosé Zuniga  (Ag. Luis Simon)[1 Episodes]
Alexander Folk  [1 Episodes]
Kirk B.r. woller  [1 Episodes]
Nick JamesonNick Jameson  [1 Episodes]
Leslie Gunning  [1 Episodes]
Eitan Loewenstein  [1 Episodes]
Alan RuckAlan Ruck  [1 Episodes]
Masam Holden  [1 Episodes]
Austin Priester  [1 Episodes]
Dave Engfer  [1 Episodes]
Carly SchroederCarly Schroeder  [1 Episodes]
Margot Rubin  [1 Episodes]
Steven Koller  [1 Episodes]
Bryan Fox  [1 Episodes]
Kevin KilnerKevin Kilner  [1 Episodes]
Nikki CoxNikki Cox  [1 Episodes]
Kelly Gould  [1 Episodes]
Franklin Ruehl  [1 Episodes]
Stephen grove Malloy  [1 Episodes]
Matt Roth  [1 Episodes]
Diana-Maria RivaDiana-Maria Riva  [1 Episodes]
Don Abernathy  [1 Episodes]
Matthew Florida  [1 Episodes]
Jean-Louisa KellyJean-Louisa Kelly  [1 Episodes]
Tom Costello  [1 Episodes]
Mary-Margaret HumesMary-Margaret Humes  [1 Episodes]
Tony Elias  [1 Episodes]
Krystal Grenseman  [1 Episodes]
Karen MaruyamaKaren Maruyama  [1 Episodes]
Tania Verafield  [1 Episodes]
Assaf CohenAssaf Cohen  [1 Episodes]
Amy AckerAmy Acker  [1 Episodes]
Ewan Chung  [1 Episodes]
T Lopez  [1 Episodes]
Mark Hapka  [1 Episodes]
Dee WallaceDee Wallace  [1 Episodes]
Makenzie VegaMakenzie Vega  [1 Episodes]
Jennifer TaylorJennifer Taylor  [1 Episodes]
Lyn alicia HendersonLyn alicia Henderson  [1 Episodes]
Tommy Gerrits  [1 Episodes]
Brie LarsonBrie Larson  [1 Episodes]
Robert BagnellRobert Bagnell  [1 Episodes]
Dale Waddington  [1 Episodes]
Courtnee DraperCourtnee Draper  [1 Episodes]
Matthew MorrisonMatthew Morrison  [1 Episodes]
Robert BuckleyRobert Buckley  [1 Episodes]
Rob Elk  [1 Episodes]
Jodi Hettinga  [1 Episodes]
Nathan GambleNathan Gamble  [1 Episodes]
Franklin Dennis jones  [1 Episodes]
Stephen Wastell  [1 Episodes]
Sarah Utterback  [1 Episodes]
Katy Dolle  [1 Episodes]
Michael DeLorenzoMichael DeLorenzo  [1 Episodes]
Mandy June Turpin  [1 Episodes]
George Mims  [1 Episodes]
Katy Boyer  [1 Episodes]
Lindsey Broad  [1 Episodes]
Kay PanabakerKay Panabaker  [1 Episodes]
David GautreauxDavid Gautreaux  [1 Episodes]
Tanner Blaze  [1 Episodes]
Brandon Lim  [1 Episodes]
Elisabeth MossElisabeth Moss  [1 Episodes]
David Newsom  [1 Episodes]
Ryan Alosio  [1 Episodes]
Marcus D. spencer  [1 Episodes]
Michael Flynn J.  [1 Episodes]
Brooklyn MclinnBrooklyn Mclinn  [1 Episodes]
Sam Gregory  [1 Episodes]
Stacy EdwardsStacy Edwards  [1 Episodes]
Matthew MarsdenMatthew Marsden  [1 Episodes]
Joseph C. phillipsJoseph C. phillips  [1 Episodes]
Camille ChenCamille Chen  [1 Episodes]
Kate Levering  [1 Episodes]
Lawrence PressmanLawrence Pressman  [1 Episodes]
Michael Reilly BurkeMichael Reilly Burke  [1 Episodes]
Victoria PrattVictoria Pratt  [1 Episodes]
Bonita Dorssom  [1 Episodes]
Christopher Zuckert  [1 Episodes]
Stephanie ErbStephanie Erb  [1 Episodes]
Dylan MinnetteDylan Minnette  [1 Episodes]
Kelvin YuKelvin Yu  [1 Episodes]
Michael patrick Breen  [1 Episodes]
Robert Garrova  [1 Episodes]
Ian Nelson (attore 1982)Ian Nelson (attore 1982)  [1 Episodes]
Cassius M. WillisCassius M. Willis  [1 Episodes]
Julio Leal  [1 Episodes]
Grace Caroline CurreyGrace Caroline Currey  [1 Episodes]
Mae WhitmanMae Whitman  [1 Episodes]
Lela LorenLela Loren  [1 Episodes]
Cheryl White  [1 Episodes]
Victor Deeb  [1 Episodes]
Becky WahlstromBecky Wahlstrom  [1 Episodes]
David Farkas  [1 Episodes]
Wayne PéreWayne Pére  [1 Episodes]
Tyler Jacob MooreTyler Jacob Moore  [1 Episodes]
Tim SoergelTim Soergel  [1 Episodes]
Gordon ClappGordon Clapp  [1 Episodes]
Autumn ReeserAutumn Reeser  [1 Episodes]
Uriah SheltonUriah Shelton  [1 Episodes]
Braeden LemastersBraeden Lemasters  [1 Episodes]
Chris Ufland  [1 Episodes]
Melvin Abston  [1 Episodes]
Dash MihokDash Mihok  [1 Episodes]
Slade PearceSlade Pearce  [1 Episodes]
Leah PipesLeah Pipes  [1 Episodes]
Dominic Flores  [1 Episodes]
Kali Majors  [1 Episodes]
Deborah Carson  [1 Episodes]
Max Hoffman  [1 Episodes]
Kathleen YorkKathleen York  [1 Episodes]
Fay HauserFay Hauser  [1 Episodes]
Hallee Hirsh  [1 Episodes]
Damien Leake  [1 Episodes]
Austin HighsmithAustin Highsmith  [1 Episodes]
Christine BargerChristine Barger  [1 Episodes]
Javi Mulero  [1 Episodes]
Azura SkyeAzura Skye  [1 Episodes]
Marina BenedictMarina Benedict  [1 Episodes]
Jonathan Murphy  [1 Episodes]
Lisa Lee morgan  [1 Episodes]
Anne RamsayAnne Ramsay  [1 Episodes]
Ronobir LahiriRonobir Lahiri  [1 Episodes]
Robert Blanche  [1 Episodes]
Bryan Sato  [1 Episodes]
Tess HarperTess Harper  [1 Episodes]
Melinda Page hamiltonMelinda Page hamilton  [1 Episodes]
Stewart Skelton  [1 Episodes]
Johnny cley Rivers  [1 Episodes]
Jayma MaysJayma Mays  [1 Episodes]