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Serie TV: Heartbeat, Season 2001-2002 (2001)


 Season Episodes
21993 A[1993]10
31993 B[1993]10

24 Episodes:

1) Sweet Sixteen
4) Legacies
6) Old Masters
7) The Rivals
8) Home to Roost
10) No Hiding Place
16) Second Chances
18) Coming of Age
19) Love Hurts
21) The Shoot
22) Class Act


Paul WalkerPaul Walker [5 Episodes]
Noreen Kershaw [5 Episodes]
Roger Bamford [3 Episodes]
Gerry Mill [3 Episodes]
Jonas Grimås [3 Episodes]
Diana Patrick [3 Episodes]
Gerry Poulson [1 Episodes]


Mark JordonMark Jordon  [24 Episodes]
Derek FowldsDerek Fowlds  [24 Episodes]
Tricia PenroseTricia Penrose  [24 Episodes]
Jason DurrJason Durr  [24 Episodes]
William SimonsWilliam Simons  [24 Episodes]
Clare CalbraithClare Calbraith  [23 Episodes]
David LonsdaleDavid Lonsdale  [23 Episodes]
Geoffrey HughesGeoffrey Hughes  [20 Episodes]
Peter Benson  [19 Episodes]
Ryan EarlyRyan Early  [15 Episodes]
Sarah Tansey  [13 Episodes]
Philip FranksPhilip Franks  [12 Episodes]
Duncan BellDuncan Bell  [12 Episodes]
Rupert VansittartRupert Vansittart  [6 Episodes]
Elizabeth BennettElizabeth Bennett  [4 Episodes]
John Sackville  [2 Episodes]
Vicki Lee taylor  [2 Episodes]
Roger Davidson  [2 Episodes]
Lisa Marie boucher  [2 Episodes]
Daniel Feltham  [2 Episodes]
Sharon Muircroft  [2 Episodes]
Sean Chapman  [2 Episodes]
Stephen Hoyle  [2 Episodes]
Jim Whelan  [2 Episodes]
Tony Turner  [2 Episodes]
Simon Molloy  [2 Episodes]
Gillian Cally  [2 Episodes]
Joe Simpson  [2 Episodes]
Nicky Henson  [1 Episodes]
Rachel Leskovac  [1 Episodes]
Neil Hurst  [1 Episodes]
Stuart Farrell  [1 Episodes]
Amanda Walker  [1 Episodes]
Sally Walsh  [1 Episodes]
Colin Meredith  [1 Episodes]
Bridget Turner  [1 Episodes]
Patrick BaladiPatrick Baladi  [1 Episodes]
Clive MantleClive Mantle  [1 Episodes]
Robert GlenisterRobert Glenister  [1 Episodes]
June Barrie  [1 Episodes]
Caroline Clegg  [1 Episodes]
Christopher Tune  [1 Episodes]
Mark LetherenMark Letheren  [1 Episodes]
Tom Goodman-HillTom Goodman-Hill  [1 Episodes]
Celia ImrieCelia Imrie  [1 Episodes]
Richard RiddellRichard Riddell  [1 Episodes]
Heather Bleasdale  [1 Episodes]
Olive Pendleton  [1 Episodes]
Peter WightPeter Wight  [1 Episodes]
Sophia MylesSophia Myles  [1 Episodes]
Stacey Sampson  [1 Episodes]
Jack Marsden  [1 Episodes]
Ciaran GriffithsCiaran Griffiths  [1 Episodes]
James Weaver  [1 Episodes]
John Catterall  [1 Episodes]
Tracey Briggs  [1 Episodes]
Andy LindenAndy Linden  [1 Episodes]
Peter ArmitagePeter Armitage  [1 Episodes]
Phillippa Wilson  [1 Episodes]
Michael Blackham  [1 Episodes]
Ray Ashcroft  [1 Episodes]
Toby Walton  [1 Episodes]
James Quinn  [1 Episodes]
Jonty Stephens  [1 Episodes]
Tom Clarke hill  [1 Episodes]
David Fenwick  [1 Episodes]
Randal Herley  [1 Episodes]
Glenn CunninghamGlenn Cunningham  [1 Episodes]
Shaun Scott  [1 Episodes]
Martin Marquez  [1 Episodes]
Ewan Hooper  [1 Episodes]
Tony Monroe  [1 Episodes]
Charles Mccurdy  [1 Episodes]
Malcolm Tierney  [1 Episodes]
Simon Chandler  [1 Episodes]
Robert Swann  [1 Episodes]
Andrew Westfield  [1 Episodes]
James Mair  [1 Episodes]
Scott Maslen  [1 Episodes]
Stuart Mcgugan  [1 Episodes]
Simon Lenagan  [1 Episodes]
Fiona Victory  [1 Episodes]
Alan Granville  [1 Episodes]
Peter GunnPeter Gunn  [1 Episodes]
Stanley Townsend  [1 Episodes]
Christopher WilkinsonChristopher Wilkinson  [1 Episodes]
John Lloyd fillingham  [1 Episodes]
Barbara Bolton  [1 Episodes]
Robin Polley  [1 Episodes]
Polly Jo pleasence  [1 Episodes]
Peter VaughanPeter Vaughan  [1 Episodes]
Oliver Chopping  [1 Episodes]
Tony Mooney  [1 Episodes]
Geoffrey Banks  [1 Episodes]
Gareth Farr  [1 Episodes]
Kate RutterKate Rutter  [1 Episodes]
Michelle Hardwick  [1 Episodes]
Pauline Jefferson  [1 Episodes]
Glynis Brooks  [1 Episodes]
Joseph Aston  [1 Episodes]
Tom Lister  [1 Episodes]
Adrian HoodAdrian Hood  [1 Episodes]
David Calder (attore)  [1 Episodes]
Dicken Ashworth  [1 Episodes]
Denis LillDenis Lill  [1 Episodes]
Roger Griffiths  [1 Episodes]
Jerome Wright  [1 Episodes]
Andrew James davies  [1 Episodes]
Jan Francis  [1 Episodes]
Robert Lawrenson  [1 Episodes]
Kathleen Worth  [1 Episodes]
Tilly Tremayne  [1 Episodes]
Gillian Kerrod  [1 Episodes]
Amber Edlin  [1 Episodes]
Richard LinternRichard Lintern  [1 Episodes]
Angela Crow  [1 Episodes]
Jonathan Ryland  [1 Episodes]
Joanna Swain  [1 Episodes]
Margaret Ashcroft  [1 Episodes]
Rachel ShelleyRachel Shelley  [1 Episodes]
Andy Abrahams  [1 Episodes]
Madeleine Moffat  [1 Episodes]
Ben De saumserez  [1 Episodes]
Berwick Kaler  [1 Episodes]
Norman Mills  [1 Episodes]
Eamon Boland  [1 Episodes]
Matthew Dunster  [1 Episodes]
Tim Smith  [1 Episodes]
Will Norris  [1 Episodes]
Emma Gill  [1 Episodes]
Freddie JonesFreddie Jones  [1 Episodes]
Leslie Grantham  [1 Episodes]
Josephine Tewson  [1 Episodes]
Craig Heaney  [1 Episodes]
Kayleigh Hartley  [1 Episodes]
Kate Mcloughlin  [1 Episodes]
Clare Clifford  [1 Episodes]
Amanda Fairclough  [1 Episodes]
Rob Spendlove  [1 Episodes]
Rebecca Atkinson  [1 Episodes]
Tim Scott-walker  [1 Episodes]
James Snell  [1 Episodes]
Tanya Myers  [1 Episodes]
Cherith Mellor  [1 Episodes]
Carrie Davies  [1 Episodes]
Diane Fletcher  [1 Episodes]
Emily Aston  [1 Episodes]
Eric Potts  [1 Episodes]
Billy Fane  [1 Episodes]
Michael Wardle  [1 Episodes]
Anthony Allen  [1 Episodes]
Gabrielle Blunt  [1 Episodes]
Poppy Miller  [1 Episodes]
Geraldine Griffiths  [1 Episodes]
Phil Nice  [1 Episodes]
Josh Moran  [1 Episodes]
Mona Bruce  [1 Episodes]
Veronica Roberts  [1 Episodes]
Gabrielle Cowburn  [1 Episodes]
Oliver Williams  [1 Episodes]
Lill Roughley  [1 Episodes]
Neil JacksonNeil Jackson  [1 Episodes]