Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Serie TV: Kraft Television Theatre, Season 1953-1954 (1953)


 Season Episodes

56 Episodes:

1) Quite a Guy
4) Corinth House
6) Cap'n Jonas
9) The Threshold
10) Dream House
12) The Gate
13) Gavin
14) The Rose Garden
17) Rip Van Winkle
24) The Barn
29) You Touched Me!
32) Mr.
35) Dr.
37) The Stake
40) Citizen Miller
45) Wish Tonight
49) The Happy Touch
50) Charm Bracelet
52) Short Story
53) Kidnapped
55) The Witch Child


Maury Holland [4 Episodes]
Harry Herrmann [3 Episodes]
Richard Dunlap [2 Episodes]


Edgar StehliEdgar Stehli  [5 Episodes]
Don DubbinsDon Dubbins  [4 Episodes]
Patricia SmithPatricia Smith  [4 Episodes]
Vaughn TaylorVaughn Taylor  [3 Episodes]
Joe MarossJoe Maross  [3 Episodes]
Doro MerandeDoro Merande  [3 Episodes]
Raymond BramleyRaymond Bramley  [3 Episodes]
Chet StrattonChet Stratton  [3 Episodes]
Jack Livesey  [3 Episodes]
Joe E. marks  [3 Episodes]
Joseph Foley  [2 Episodes]
Doris Rich  [2 Episodes]
James DeanJames Dean  [2 Episodes]
James Barton  [2 Episodes]
Susan Hallaran  [2 Episodes]
Parker Fennelly  [2 Episodes]
Enid MarkeyEnid Markey  [2 Episodes]
Margaret WycherlyMargaret Wycherly  [2 Episodes]
Patrick Mcvey  [2 Episodes]
Fred Stewart  [2 Episodes]
Joanna Roos  [2 Episodes]
Jerome Kilty  [2 Episodes]
Cliff Hall  [2 Episodes]
Arnold MossArnold Moss  [2 Episodes]
Leon Belasco  [2 Episodes]
Malcolm Lee beggsMalcolm Lee beggs  [2 Episodes]
Dortha Duckworth  [2 Episodes]
Rod SteigerRod Steiger  [2 Episodes]
Constance FordConstance Ford  [2 Episodes]
Joseph Walsh  [2 Episodes]
Pud Flanagan  [2 Episodes]
Audra LindleyAudra Lindley  [2 Episodes]
Louisa HortonLouisa Horton  [2 Episodes]
Leora Thatcher  [2 Episodes]
Edward BinnsEdward Binns  [2 Episodes]
Kathleen Comegys  [2 Episodes]
Mark RobertsMark Roberts  [2 Episodes]
Lilia SkalaLilia Skala  [2 Episodes]
Addison RichardsAddison Richards  [2 Episodes]
Jack WardenJack Warden  [2 Episodes]
Lee RemickLee Remick  [2 Episodes]
Gaby Rodgers  [2 Episodes]
Florenz Ames  [2 Episodes]
Una O'connorUna O'connor  [2 Episodes]
Calvin Thomas  [1 Episodes]
Graham Denton  [1 Episodes]
Marjorie GatesonMarjorie Gateson  [1 Episodes]
Michael Higgins (attore)Michael Higgins (attore)  [1 Episodes]
Carroll Mccomas  [1 Episodes]
Margaretta Warwick  [1 Episodes]
Ann Dere  [1 Episodes]
Grant WilliamsGrant Williams  [1 Episodes]
Barry Mcguire  [1 Episodes]
Jack Pearl  [1 Episodes]
Francis Compton  [1 Episodes]
Zina Provendie  [1 Episodes]
June DaytonJune Dayton  [1 Episodes]
Joe Verdi  [1 Episodes]
Wright KingWright King  [1 Episodes]
Colin Keith-johnston  [1 Episodes]
Ethel Remey  [1 Episodes]
Stuart Macintosh  [1 Episodes]
Arthur O'connellArthur O'connell  [1 Episodes]
Adele Newton  [1 Episodes]
Edgar BergenEdgar Bergen  [1 Episodes]
Katherine Emmet  [1 Episodes]
Beverly Whitney  [1 Episodes]
Edith Gresham  [1 Episodes]
Anne BancroftAnne Bancroft  [1 Episodes]
Cora WitherspoonCora Witherspoon  [1 Episodes]
Nicholas JoyNicholas Joy  [1 Episodes]
Iggie Wolfington  [1 Episodes]
Walter Klavun  [1 Episodes]
Margaret Barker  [1 Episodes]
Larry Fletcher  [1 Episodes]
Catherine Willard  [1 Episodes]
Patty MccormackPatty Mccormack  [1 Episodes]
Dorothy Hart  [1 Episodes]
John BaragreyJohn Baragrey  [1 Episodes]
Fredd Wayne  [1 Episodes]
Bradford DillmanBradford Dillman  [1 Episodes]
Andy MilliganAndy Milligan  [1 Episodes]
William SmithWilliam Smith  [1 Episodes]
Billy M. greeneBilly M. greene  [1 Episodes]
Warren ParkerWarren Parker  [1 Episodes]
Joan Potter  [1 Episodes]
Nancy Devlin  [1 Episodes]
Charlie Mccarthy  [1 Episodes]
Mercer Mcleod  [1 Episodes]
Freddi Chandler  [1 Episodes]
O. Tolbert-hewitt  [1 Episodes]
Marie Carroll  [1 Episodes]
Grace KellyGrace Kelly  [1 Episodes]
Sara HadenSara Haden  [1 Episodes]
Carl BetzCarl Betz  [1 Episodes]
Cliff Dunstan  [1 Episodes]
Robinson Stone  [1 Episodes]
Heywood Hale BrounHeywood Hale Broun  [1 Episodes]
Anna Appel  [1 Episodes]
Muriel Berkson  [1 Episodes]
Ray DantonRay Danton  [1 Episodes]
Bart Burns  [1 Episodes]
Diana Hale  [1 Episodes]
José Perez  [1 Episodes]
Ed HerlihyEd Herlihy  [1 Episodes]
Kim StanleyKim Stanley  [1 Episodes]
Neil Fitzgerald  [1 Episodes]
Gloria Marlowe  [1 Episodes]
Jeff Harris  [1 Episodes]
Susan StrasbergSusan Strasberg  [1 Episodes]
Arthur TreacherArthur Treacher  [1 Episodes]
Mortimer Snerd  [1 Episodes]
Deirdre Owens  [1 Episodes]
Barbara Myers  [1 Episodes]
Richard CarlyleRichard Carlyle  [1 Episodes]
Patricia Wheel  [1 Episodes]
Rudolf Weiss  [1 Episodes]
Barbara Meyer  [1 Episodes]
Maureen StapletonMaureen Stapleton  [1 Episodes]
Denise Alexander  [1 Episodes]
Marc Breaux  [1 Episodes]
Martyn Green  [1 Episodes]
Robert Pastene  [1 Episodes]
Charles Saari  [1 Episodes]
Robin Morgan  [1 Episodes]
Margaret HamiltonMargaret Hamilton  [1 Episodes]
Bobra Suiter  [1 Episodes]
Robert F. SimonRobert F. Simon  [1 Episodes]
Luis Van rootenLuis Van rooten  [1 Episodes]
Victor Thorley  [1 Episodes]
Chandler Cowles  [1 Episodes]
George Roy HillGeorge Roy Hill  [1 Episodes]
Audrey Christie  [1 Episodes]
James Costigan  [1 Episodes]
Rusty LaneRusty Lane  [1 Episodes]
Beverly Roberts  [1 Episodes]
Bert Thorn  [1 Episodes]
Augusta Merighi  [1 Episodes]
David WhiteDavid White  [1 Episodes]
Cynthia Latham  [1 Episodes]
James Hickman  [1 Episodes]
Tony RandallTony Randall  [1 Episodes]
Judson PrattJudson Pratt  [1 Episodes]
Dennis PatrickDennis Patrick  [1 Episodes]
Carlos MontalbanCarlos Montalban  [1 Episodes]
John Dutra  [1 Episodes]
Ruth Matteson  [1 Episodes]
Robert Cass  [1 Episodes]
Arthur FranzArthur Franz  [1 Episodes]
Dorothy Donahue  [1 Episodes]
Jerome CowanJerome Cowan  [1 Episodes]
Robert Chisholm  [1 Episodes]
Bill Dillard  [1 Episodes]
William DuellWilliam Duell  [1 Episodes]
Terry KilburnTerry Kilburn  [1 Episodes]
Mikhail Rasumny  [1 Episodes]
Dennis James  [1 Episodes]
Michael Enserro  [1 Episodes]
James Young  [1 Episodes]
Dick ForanDick Foran  [1 Episodes]
Joseph Boley  [1 Episodes]
Ali Ghito  [1 Episodes]
Mary AstorMary Astor  [1 Episodes]
Murray MathesonMurray Matheson  [1 Episodes]
Ed BegleyEd Begley  [1 Episodes]
Eli Mintz  [1 Episodes]
Richard Kendrick  [1 Episodes]
Richard Newton  [1 Episodes]
Bramwell Fletcher  [1 Episodes]
Hal Hamilton  [1 Episodes]
Leona Powers  [1 Episodes]
John Shellie  [1 Episodes]
Grant Sullivan  [1 Episodes]
E.G. MarshallE.G. Marshall  [1 Episodes]
Kenny Delmar  [1 Episodes]
Helen Burke  [1 Episodes]
Sybil Baker  [1 Episodes]
Elaine StritchElaine Stritch  [1 Episodes]
Grayson HallGrayson Hall  [1 Episodes]
Richard Bishop  [1 Episodes]
Helen GallagherHelen Gallagher  [1 Episodes]
Loïs Bolton  [1 Episodes]
Noel Leslie  [1 Episodes]
Peter Fernandez  [1 Episodes]
Jack Finnegan  [1 Episodes]
Blanche YurkaBlanche Yurka  [1 Episodes]
Nina Varela  [1 Episodes]
Russell Hardie  [1 Episodes]
Elizabeth MontgomeryElizabeth Montgomery  [1 Episodes]
Frank OvertonFrank Overton  [1 Episodes]
Frederick WorlockFrederick Worlock  [1 Episodes]
Lydia Reed  [1 Episodes]
Henry Lascoe  [1 Episodes]
Betty Sinclair  [1 Episodes]
Clarence Nordstrom  [1 Episodes]
Art CarneyArt Carney  [1 Episodes]
Louise AllbrittonLouise Allbritton  [1 Episodes]
Logan Ramsey  [1 Episodes]
Eric Sinclair  [1 Episodes]
Peggy Conklin  [1 Episodes]
John Stephen  [1 Episodes]
Jane Seymour  [1 Episodes]
Hans Schumm  [1 Episodes]
Bruno Wick  [1 Episodes]
Louis Hector  [1 Episodes]
Madeline Clive  [1 Episodes]
Beatrice StraightBeatrice Straight  [1 Episodes]
Marian SeldesMarian Seldes  [1 Episodes]
Liam Sullivan  [1 Episodes]
Judith Braun  [1 Episodes]
Felicia MontealegreFelicia Montealegre  [1 Episodes]
Felix Deebank  [1 Episodes]
Sherry Bennett  [1 Episodes]
Zasu PittsZasu Pitts  [1 Episodes]
Carlo D'angeloCarlo D'angelo  [1 Episodes]
Cameron Prud'hommeCameron Prud'homme  [1 Episodes]
Ann Flood  [1 Episodes]
Leslie NielsenLeslie Nielsen  [1 Episodes]
Charles DrakeCharles Drake  [1 Episodes]
Ernest Truex  [1 Episodes]
James GregoryJames Gregory  [1 Episodes]
Allen Nourse  [1 Episodes]
Mary Fickett  [1 Episodes]
Toni Halloran  [1 Episodes]
Bobby Clark  [1 Episodes]
Felice OrlandiFelice Orlandi  [1 Episodes]
Leora DanaLeora Dana  [1 Episodes]
Frances Reid  [1 Episodes]
Ted OsborneTed Osborne  [1 Episodes]
Ed Bryce  [1 Episodes]
Peter Kelley  [1 Episodes]
Perry Fiske  [1 Episodes]
Naomi Riordan  [1 Episodes]
Richard KileyRichard Kiley  [1 Episodes]
Bea ArthurBea Arthur  [1 Episodes]
Carmen MathewsCarmen Mathews  [1 Episodes]
Margaret PhillipsMargaret Phillips  [1 Episodes]
Valerie CossartValerie Cossart  [1 Episodes]
Phoebe Mackay  [1 Episodes]
Anthony PerkinsAnthony Perkins  [1 Episodes]
Jack Hartley  [1 Episodes]
Kathleen MaguireKathleen Maguire  [1 Episodes]
Paul LangtonPaul Langton  [1 Episodes]