Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Serie TV: Lewis and Clark

1981 -1982


 Season Episodes
11981-1982 [1981]13
Tot. Episodes13


Gabe KaplanGabe Kaplan: (Stewart Lewis)
[13 Episodes (s.:1)]
Ilene GraffIlene Graff: (Alicia Lewis)
[13 Episodes (s.:1)]
Amy LinkerAmy Linker: (Kelly Lewis)
[13 Episodes (s.:1)]
David Hollander: (Keith Lewis)
[13 Episodes (s.:1)]
Clifton JamesClifton James: (Silas Jones)
[13 Episodes (s.:1)]
Wendy Holcombe: (Wendy, La Cameriera)
[13 Episodes (s.:1)]
Michael McmanusMichael Mcmanus: (John, Il Barista)
[13 Episodes (s.:1)]
Guich KoockGuich Koock: (Roscoe Clark)
[13 Episodes (s.:1)]
Janis PaigeJanis Paige: (Rose Clark)
[1 Episodes (s.:1)]
Cathie ShirriffCathie Shirriff
[1 Episodes (s.:1)]
Martin Beck
[1 Episodes (s.:1)]
Lawrence Hilton-jacobsLawrence Hilton-jacobs
[1 Episodes (s.:1)]
Dana LauritaDana Laurita
[1 Episodes (s.:1)]
Jay Garner
[1 Episodes (s.:1)]
Daniel Chodos
[1 Episodes (s.:1)]
Hugh GillinHugh Gillin
[1 Episodes (s.:1)]
Robert HegyesRobert Hegyes
[1 Episodes (s.:1)]