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Serie TV: Marcus Welby, M.D., Season 1974-1975 (1974)


 Season Episodes

24 Episodes:

5) The Outrage
8) Feedback
13) The 266 Days
14) The Resident
17) Public Secrets
18) The Time Bomb
19) Four Plus Hot
20) Jake's Okay
22) Unindicted Wife
23) Dark Corridors


Jerry LondonJerry London [3 Episodes]
Hollingsworth Morse [2 Episodes]
Richard Learman [2 Episodes]
William AsherWilliam Asher [2 Episodes]
Randal KleiserRandal Kleiser [2 Episodes]
Marc Daniels [2 Episodes]
Richard MiltonRichard Milton [1 Episodes]
Rick Edelstein [1 Episodes]
John ErmanJohn Erman [1 Episodes]
Walter DonigerWalter Doniger [1 Episodes]
Leo PennLeo Penn [1 Episodes]
Bernard Mceveety [1 Episodes]


Elena VerdugoElena Verdugo  (Consuelo Lopez)[24 Episodes]
Sharon GlessSharon Gless  (Kathleen Faverty)[13 Episodes]
Marcia Ralston  [4 Episodes]
Bob HarksBob Harks  [4 Episodes]
Tom Scott  [3 Episodes]
Tom SelleckTom Selleck  [3 Episodes]
Norman Stuart  [3 Episodes]
Connie Izay  [3 Episodes]
Anne SchedeenAnne Schedeen  (Sandy Porter)[2 Episodes]
Lindsay WagnerLindsay Wagner  [2 Episodes]
Victor Izay  [2 Episodes]
Phil Diskin  [2 Episodes]
John Mccann  [2 Episodes]
Kip Niven  [2 Episodes]
Stack Pierce  [2 Episodes]
Claudia BryarClaudia Bryar  [2 Episodes]
Frank AletterFrank Aletter  [2 Episodes]
Ron Kelly  [2 Episodes]
Diana HylandDiana Hyland  [2 Episodes]
Ketty Lester  [2 Episodes]
Jerry Fogel  [2 Episodes]
William CampbellWilliam Campbell  [2 Episodes]
Dack RamboDack Rambo  [2 Episodes]
Allison Mckay  [2 Episodes]
Bob Delegall  [2 Episodes]
Pamela HensleyPamela Hensley  (Janet Blake)[1 Episodes]
John Rayner  [1 Episodes]
Allen Secher  [1 Episodes]
Patty DukePatty Duke  [1 Episodes]
John MilfordJohn Milford  [1 Episodes]
Leslie UggamsLeslie Uggams  [1 Episodes]
Douglas FowleyDouglas Fowley  [1 Episodes]
Robert Rhodes  [1 Episodes]
Linda GrayLinda Gray  [1 Episodes]
Victor Millan  [1 Episodes]
Byron Mabe  [1 Episodes]
Mathilda Calnan  [1 Episodes]
Gena RowlandsGena Rowlands  [1 Episodes]
Kristoffer TaboriKristoffer Tabori  [1 Episodes]
Lanna Saunders  [1 Episodes]
Lois January  [1 Episodes]
Aldine King  [1 Episodes]
Jeff DonnellJeff Donnell  [1 Episodes]
Donna MillsDonna Mills  [1 Episodes]
Lucie ArnazLucie Arnaz  [1 Episodes]
Shelby Leverington  [1 Episodes]
Savannah Bentley  [1 Episodes]
Fred Holliday  [1 Episodes]
Rodney Allen rippy  [1 Episodes]
Arthur Peterson  [1 Episodes]
Helen Verbit  [1 Episodes]
Howard F. flynn  [1 Episodes]
Sian Barbara Allen  [1 Episodes]
Jason WingreenJason Wingreen  [1 Episodes]
Dawn LynDawn Lyn  [1 Episodes]
Robert Doyle  [1 Episodes]
Jane Actman  [1 Episodes]
Doug Johnson  [1 Episodes]
John AstinJohn Astin  [1 Episodes]
Mike FarrellMike Farrell  [1 Episodes]
Ben MurphyBen Murphy  [1 Episodes]
Craig R. BaxleyCraig R. Baxley  [1 Episodes]
Michael Richardson  [1 Episodes]
Don RossDon Ross  [1 Episodes]
Russell ThorsonRussell Thorson  [1 Episodes]
Cliff De young  [1 Episodes]
Scott Douglas  [1 Episodes]
Robert Forward  [1 Episodes]
Richard BasehartRichard Basehart  [1 Episodes]
Judson PrattJudson Pratt  [1 Episodes]
Anne Bloom  [1 Episodes]
Shannon Farnon  [1 Episodes]
Gwenn Mitchell  [1 Episodes]
Sam Chu lin  [1 Episodes]
Mark Miller (scrittore)  [1 Episodes]
William DozierWilliam Dozier  [1 Episodes]
Elaine DevryElaine Devry  [1 Episodes]
Ruth Mcdevitt  [1 Episodes]
Belinda MontgomeryBelinda Montgomery  [1 Episodes]
Edward PowerEdward Power  [1 Episodes]
Ross Durfee  [1 Episodes]
Ron ElyRon Ely  [1 Episodes]
Mary Helen barro  [1 Episodes]
Jim BackusJim Backus  [1 Episodes]
Dran Hamilton  [1 Episodes]
Dianne Harper  [1 Episodes]
Jordan RhodesJordan Rhodes  [1 Episodes]
Kathryn Reynolds  [1 Episodes]
Margaret AveryMargaret Avery  [1 Episodes]
Kim Hamilton  [1 Episodes]
Tommy Cook  [1 Episodes]
Paul SorensenPaul Sorensen  [1 Episodes]
Richard Marion  [1 Episodes]
Arthur SpaceArthur Space  [1 Episodes]
J. Edward MckinleyJ. Edward Mckinley  [1 Episodes]
S. John launerS. John launer  [1 Episodes]
Fern Eggen  [1 Episodes]
Alan FudgeAlan Fudge  [1 Episodes]
Larry HagmanLarry Hagman  [1 Episodes]
Hal England  [1 Episodes]
William BoyettWilliam Boyett  [1 Episodes]
Jack Stamberger  [1 Episodes]
Susan BrownSusan Brown  [1 Episodes]
Jason Laskay  [1 Episodes]
Gretchen CorbettGretchen Corbett  [1 Episodes]
Sheila Rogers  [1 Episodes]
Marcus Smith  [1 Episodes]
Patty MccormackPatty Mccormack  [1 Episodes]
Joanne Nail  [1 Episodes]
Mel StewartMel Stewart  [1 Episodes]
Herbert Jefferson jr.Herbert Jefferson jr.  [1 Episodes]
Keith Atkinson  [1 Episodes]
Jacqueline ScottJacqueline Scott  [1 Episodes]
Stewart MossStewart Moss  [1 Episodes]
Murray MathesonMurray Matheson  [1 Episodes]
Ken LynchKen Lynch  [1 Episodes]
Robert DrivasRobert Drivas  [1 Episodes]
Carl BetzCarl Betz  [1 Episodes]
Wallace RooneyWallace Rooney  [1 Episodes]
Irene TedrowIrene Tedrow  [1 Episodes]
Lenore Stevens  [1 Episodes]
Juliet MillsJuliet Mills  [1 Episodes]
Elaine Giftos  [1 Episodes]
John NolanJohn Nolan  [1 Episodes]
Brett Hadley  [1 Episodes]
Dennis McCarthyDennis McCarthy  [1 Episodes]
Melissa Greene  [1 Episodes]
Barbara HaleBarbara Hale  [1 Episodes]
Francis De salesFrancis De sales  [1 Episodes]
Mary Rings  [1 Episodes]
Theresa Masurat  [1 Episodes]
Rosemary DecampRosemary Decamp  [1 Episodes]
Logan Ramsey  [1 Episodes]
Anna NavarroAnna Navarro  [1 Episodes]
Susan Damante  [1 Episodes]
Deanna Martin  [1 Episodes]
Shirley KnightShirley Knight  [1 Episodes]
Greg Mullavey  [1 Episodes]
John DaheimJohn Daheim  [1 Episodes]
Joanne DruJoanne Dru  [1 Episodes]
Sidney MillerSidney Miller  [1 Episodes]
Bob HastingsBob Hastings  [1 Episodes]
Bruce KirbyBruce Kirby  [1 Episodes]
Jacques Aubuchon  [1 Episodes]
Sarah Fankboner  [1 Episodes]
Joe KappJoe Kapp  [1 Episodes]
Henry BeckmanHenry Beckman  [1 Episodes]
Marla AdamsMarla Adams  [1 Episodes]
Quinn K. RedekerQuinn K. Redeker  [1 Episodes]
John Elerick  [1 Episodes]
Angela Hoffman  [1 Episodes]
Ray Hemphill  [1 Episodes]
Richard Reicheg  [1 Episodes]
Darlene Feasel  [1 Episodes]
Eric BraedenEric Braeden  [1 Episodes]
Perry Bullington  [1 Episodes]
Stacy Keach sr.Stacy Keach sr.  [1 Episodes]
John Smith  [1 Episodes]
Peter D. greene  [1 Episodes]
June LockhartJune Lockhart  [1 Episodes]
Scott Newman  [1 Episodes]
Lois NettletonLois Nettleton  [1 Episodes]
Anthony Mason  [1 Episodes]
Kasey RogersKasey Rogers  [1 Episodes]
Bill Mclean  [1 Episodes]
Cathey Paine  [1 Episodes]
Tom TroupeTom Troupe  [1 Episodes]
Norman AldenNorman Alden  [1 Episodes]
Joan FreemanJoan Freeman  [1 Episodes]
Celia LovskyCelia Lovsky  [1 Episodes]
Byron MorrowByron Morrow  [1 Episodes]
Art Balinger  [1 Episodes]
Penny Goetz  [1 Episodes]
Paul LambertPaul Lambert  [1 Episodes]
Regis CordicRegis Cordic  [1 Episodes]
Jess Walton  [1 Episodes]
Reb Brown  [1 Episodes]
Christine BelfordChristine Belford  [1 Episodes]
Jed AllanJed Allan  [1 Episodes]
Forrest TuckerForrest Tucker  [1 Episodes]
Peter Brandon  [1 Episodes]
Joan Webster  [1 Episodes]
Virginia GreggVirginia Gregg  [1 Episodes]
Robin Mattson  [1 Episodes]
Ron Stokes  [1 Episodes]
Dorothy DellsDorothy Dells  [1 Episodes]
June Whitley taylorJune Whitley taylor  [1 Episodes]
Sean Kelly  [1 Episodes]
Diane BakerDiane Baker  [1 Episodes]
Gavan O'HerlihyGavan O'Herlihy  [1 Episodes]
Scott Jacoby  [1 Episodes]
Maudie PrickettMaudie Prickett  [1 Episodes]
Darel GlaserDarel Glaser  [1 Episodes]
Florence Lake  [1 Episodes]
Edward Winter  [1 Episodes]
Joe Warfield  [1 Episodes]
Gerald Hiken  [1 Episodes]
Bruce Kimmel  [1 Episodes]
Dirk BlockerDirk Blocker  [1 Episodes]
Cliff PottsCliff Potts  [1 Episodes]
Peggy MccayPeggy Mccay  [1 Episodes]
Joan HotchkisJoan Hotchkis  [1 Episodes]
Toni Lawrence  [1 Episodes]
Patrick WaynePatrick Wayne  [1 Episodes]