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Serie TV: Philco Television Playhouse, Season 1948-1949 (1948)


 Season Episodes

45 Episodes:

2) Rebecca
5) Street Scene
7) Camille
10) Suspect
11) Parlor Story
14) Ramshackle Inn
16) Papa Is All
18) Dark Hammock
21) Twelfth Night
22) St.
24) Quality Street
26) Becky Sharp
29) Mr.
30) Burlesque
31) Macbeth
35) Summer Formal
36) Jenny Kissed Me
40) You Touched Me!
41) The Fourth Wall
42) Enter Madame


Fred CoeFred Coe [25 Episodes]
Garry Simpson [5 Episodes]
Gordon Duff [2 Episodes]
Delbert MannDelbert Mann [1 Episodes]
Albert Mccleery [1 Episodes]
Victor Mcleod [1 Episodes]


Bert LytellBert Lytell  [45 Episodes]
Bob Stanton  [7 Episodes]
Dennis King  [5 Episodes]
Vaughn TaylorVaughn Taylor  [5 Episodes]
Leo G. CarrollLeo G. Carroll  [3 Episodes]
D.a. Clarke-smithD.a. Clarke-smith  [2 Episodes]
Walter AbelWalter Abel  [2 Episodes]
Edgar StehliEdgar Stehli  [2 Episodes]
Roland Hogue  [2 Episodes]
Ralph BellamyRalph Bellamy  [2 Episodes]
William WindomWilliam Windom  [2 Episodes]
Philippa Bevans  [2 Episodes]
Elinor Randel  [2 Episodes]
Marsha HuntMarsha Hunt  [2 Episodes]
Frank M. thomas  [2 Episodes]
John CarradineJohn Carradine  [2 Episodes]
Lili Valenty  [2 Episodes]
Philip BourneufPhilip Bourneuf  [2 Episodes]
William Post jr.  [2 Episodes]
Frances Reid  [2 Episodes]
Philip CoolidgePhilip Coolidge  [2 Episodes]
Louis Hector  [2 Episodes]
José FerrerJosé Ferrer  [2 Episodes]
Peggy WoodPeggy Wood  [2 Episodes]
Guy SpaullGuy Spaull  [2 Episodes]
Sidney BlackmerSidney Blackmer  [2 Episodes]
Kendall Clark  [2 Episodes]
Marta Linden  [2 Episodes]
Vicki Cummings  [2 Episodes]
Russell Swan  [2 Episodes]
John BaragreyJohn Baragrey  [2 Episodes]
Mary Orr  [2 Episodes]
John Mc quade  [2 Episodes]
Charles Mcclelland  [2 Episodes]
Bramwell Fletcher  [2 Episodes]
Mary Alice moore  [2 Episodes]
William EytheWilliam Eythe  [2 Episodes]
Philip Truex  [1 Episodes]
Ben Irving  [1 Episodes]
John MarleyJohn Marley  [1 Episodes]
Bert Lahr  [1 Episodes]
Jason EversJason Evers  [1 Episodes]
William Woodson  [1 Episodes]
Nelson Olmsted  [1 Episodes]
Kay Lavelle  [1 Episodes]
John Alberts  [1 Episodes]
Betty FieldBetty Field  [1 Episodes]
Edith Atwater  [1 Episodes]
Peggy MccayPeggy Mccay  [1 Episodes]
Philip Loeb  [1 Episodes]
Grace HartmanGrace Hartman  [1 Episodes]
Olive DeeringOlive Deering  [1 Episodes]
Lewis CharlesLewis Charles  [1 Episodes]
Fredd Wayne  [1 Episodes]
Helen Ray  [1 Episodes]
Bram Nossen  [1 Episodes]
Ernest Rowan  [1 Episodes]
Judith EvelynJudith Evelyn  [1 Episodes]
Conrad JanisConrad Janis  [1 Episodes]
Richard Hart  [1 Episodes]
Philip Faversham  [1 Episodes]
Ann Lee  [1 Episodes]
Doris Rich  [1 Episodes]
Robin Craven  [1 Episodes]
Jeanne Macintyre  [1 Episodes]
Joseph Sweeney  [1 Episodes]
Clarence Derwent  [1 Episodes]
Richard Goode  [1 Episodes]
Kevin MccarthyKevin Mccarthy  [1 Episodes]
Lucile WatsonLucile Watson  [1 Episodes]
Ernest Graves  [1 Episodes]
Richard Coogan  [1 Episodes]
Phyllis Hill  [1 Episodes]
Hank Ladd  [1 Episodes]
Naomi Campbell  [1 Episodes]
Nancy DavisNancy Davis  [1 Episodes]
Patricia Breslin  [1 Episodes]
Loring Smith  [1 Episodes]
Tod Andrews  [1 Episodes]
Florence ReedFlorence Reed  [1 Episodes]
Mary Patton  [1 Episodes]
Florence Edney  [1 Episodes]
Henry Barnard  [1 Episodes]
Mary WickesMary Wickes  [1 Episodes]
Paul MuniPaul Muni  [1 Episodes]
Frank WilcoxFrank Wilcox  [1 Episodes]
Margaret Bannerman  [1 Episodes]
Valerie CossartValerie Cossart  [1 Episodes]
Joan Gray  [1 Episodes]
Alfred Drake  [1 Episodes]
Edmon Ryan  [1 Episodes]
Peggy Conklin  [1 Episodes]
Carol Stone  [1 Episodes]
John O'hare  [1 Episodes]
Mary BolandMary Boland  [1 Episodes]
Joyce RedmanJoyce Redman  [1 Episodes]
David WayneDavid Wayne  [1 Episodes]
Margery Maude  [1 Episodes]
Gordon Peters  [1 Episodes]
Robert Bolger  [1 Episodes]
Larry Semon  [1 Episodes]
Lilia SkalaLilia Skala  [1 Episodes]
Madge Evans  [1 Episodes]
Joe Downing  [1 Episodes]
Neva PattersonNeva Patterson  [1 Episodes]
Augusta Dabney  [1 Episodes]
Perry Wilson  [1 Episodes]
Walter Greaza  [1 Episodes]
Mark RobertsMark Roberts  [1 Episodes]
Claire LuceClaire Luce  [1 Episodes]
Rita Colton  [1 Episodes]
Steve CochranSteve Cochran  [1 Episodes]
Edwin JeromeEdwin Jerome  [1 Episodes]
Matt Briggs  [1 Episodes]
William Terry  [1 Episodes]
Lawrence Fletcher  [1 Episodes]
Judson Rees  [1 Episodes]
John Craven  [1 Episodes]
Carol Goodner  [1 Episodes]
Jane Seymour  [1 Episodes]
William RedfieldWilliam Redfield  [1 Episodes]
Royal BealRoyal Beal  [1 Episodes]
Evelyn Ellis  [1 Episodes]
Judson LaireJudson Laire  [1 Episodes]
Morton Stevens  [1 Episodes]
Ben Laughlin  [1 Episodes]
James KarenJames Karen  [1 Episodes]
Ernest CossartErnest Cossart  [1 Episodes]
Reed Brown jr.  [1 Episodes]
Lou Gilbert  [1 Episodes]
Clark DortClark Dort  [1 Episodes]
Roy Fant  [1 Episodes]
Pat Kirkland  [1 Episodes]
Nancy Sheridan  [1 Episodes]
Frankie Carle  [1 Episodes]
James WhitmoreJames Whitmore  [1 Episodes]
Mady ChristiansMady Christians  [1 Episodes]
Paul WinchellPaul Winchell  [1 Episodes]
Guy Repp  [1 Episodes]
Dorothy GishDorothy Gish  [1 Episodes]
Vivian VanceVivian Vance  [1 Episodes]
Charles Brokaw  [1 Episodes]
Robert Carroll  [1 Episodes]
Joseph Kallini  [1 Episodes]
Ethel GriffiesEthel Griffies  [1 Episodes]
Richard Derr  [1 Episodes]
Joyce Van pattenJoyce Van patten  [1 Episodes]
Alexander Campbell  [1 Episodes]
Nicholas Saunders  [1 Episodes]
Earl George  [1 Episodes]
John Kane  [1 Episodes]
Philip Saville  [1 Episodes]
Jennifer Bunker  [1 Episodes]
Walter Hampden  [1 Episodes]
Betty FurnessBetty Furness  [1 Episodes]
Cameron MitchellCameron Mitchell  [1 Episodes]
Hiram ShermanHiram Sherman  [1 Episodes]
Jonathan Kidd  [1 Episodes]
Naomi Riordan  [1 Episodes]
Mabel Taylor  [1 Episodes]
Bing CrosbyBing Crosby  [1 Episodes]
Walter Starkey  [1 Episodes]
Harry Worth  [1 Episodes]
John Croydon  [1 Episodes]
Bern Hoffman  [1 Episodes]
Bertha Belmore  [1 Episodes]
Paul Lipson  [1 Episodes]
Lillian GishLillian Gish  [1 Episodes]
Katherine SquireKatherine Squire  [1 Episodes]
Richard Bishop  [1 Episodes]
Jean SincereJean Sincere  [1 Episodes]
Patricia Jenkins  [1 Episodes]
Paul Huber  [1 Episodes]
Paul Hartman  [1 Episodes]
Muriel HutchisonMuriel Hutchison  [1 Episodes]
Alexander Clark  [1 Episodes]
Ben Lackland  [1 Episodes]
Melvyn DouglasMelvyn Douglas  [1 Episodes]
Kent SmithKent Smith  [1 Episodes]
Neil Fitzgerald  [1 Episodes]
Oskar Karlweis  [1 Episodes]
Oliver Thorndike  [1 Episodes]
Don De leo  [1 Episodes]
Dean JaggerDean Jagger  [1 Episodes]
Donald CookDonald Cook  [1 Episodes]
Ann Thomas  [1 Episodes]
Bobby Clark  [1 Episodes]
Tom PediTom Pedi  [1 Episodes]
Wesley AddyWesley Addy  [1 Episodes]
Rex O'malleyRex O'malley  [1 Episodes]
Stephen Courtleigh  [1 Episodes]
Howard Smith  [1 Episodes]
Reynolds Evans  [1 Episodes]
Paul Parks  [1 Episodes]
Nina FochNina Foch  [1 Episodes]
Carl Benton reidCarl Benton reid  [1 Episodes]
Philip TongePhilip Tonge  [1 Episodes]
Jean Alexander  [1 Episodes]
Michael Duane  [1 Episodes]
Ruth Matteson  [1 Episodes]
Robert GerringerRobert Gerringer  [1 Episodes]
Louise Prussing  [1 Episodes]
Frances Tannehill  [1 Episodes]
Helen Carew  [1 Episodes]
William PrinceWilliam Prince  [1 Episodes]
Louis SorinLouis Sorin  [1 Episodes]
Whitford Kane  [1 Episodes]
Dorrit Kelton  [1 Episodes]
Raoul de Leon  [1 Episodes]
James Maccoll  [1 Episodes]
George Haggerty  [1 Episodes]
George CoulourisGeorge Coulouris  [1 Episodes]
Marge ChampionMarge Champion  [1 Episodes]
Hope Miller  [1 Episodes]
Ellen Cobb-hill  [1 Episodes]
Frank AlbertsonFrank Albertson  [1 Episodes]
Zasu PittsZasu Pitts  [1 Episodes]
James Dobson  [1 Episodes]
Francis Bethencourt  [1 Episodes]
Jim Davidson  [1 Episodes]
Frances Woodbury  [1 Episodes]
Tony RandallTony Randall  [1 Episodes]
Ruth ChattertonRuth Chatterton  [1 Episodes]
Jimmy Little  [1 Episodes]
Charles g. Martin  [1 Episodes]
Louisa HortonLouisa Horton  [1 Episodes]
Jason Johnson  [1 Episodes]
Bernard Randall  [1 Episodes]
Virginia Smith  [1 Episodes]
Elaine StritchElaine Stritch  [1 Episodes]
Doe Avedon  [1 Episodes]
Marjorie GatesonMarjorie Gateson  [1 Episodes]
Lillian BronsonLillian Bronson  [1 Episodes]
Erin O'brien-mooreErin O'brien-moore  [1 Episodes]
John Seymour  [1 Episodes]
Viola Roache  [1 Episodes]
Timothy Kearse  [1 Episodes]
Janet BlairJanet Blair  [1 Episodes]