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Serie TV: Portlandia, Season 2015 (2015)


 Season Episodes

10 Episodes:

3) Healthcare
4) Seaworld
5) 4th of July
6) Fashion
10) Dead Pets


Jonathan Krisel [8 Episodes]
Steve BuscemiSteve Buscemi [1 Episodes]
Daniel gray Longino [1 Episodes]


Fred ArmisenFred Armisen  (Various)[10 Episodes]
Carrie BrownsteinCarrie Brownstein  (Various)[10 Episodes]
Kyle Stoltz  [3 Episodes]
Ebbe Roe Smith  [3 Episodes]
Kristine Levine  [3 Episodes]
Ryan Findley  [3 Episodes]
Kyle MacLachlanKyle MacLachlan  (Mayor)[2 Episodes]
John Levenstein  (John The Rat)[2 Episodes]
Jeff GoldblumJeff Goldblum  (Alan)[2 Episodes]
Dave Kosloski  [2 Episodes]
Glory Bangs  [2 Episodes]
Angel Bouchet  [2 Episodes]
Justin Ward  [2 Episodes]
David a. Velarde  [2 Episodes]
Daniel Liu  [2 Episodes]
Ed Begley jr.Ed Begley jr.  [2 Episodes]
Henry Cottrell  [2 Episodes]
Brandon Huddleston  [2 Episodes]
Scott EngdahlScott Engdahl  [2 Episodes]
Olivia WildeOlivia Wilde  [2 Episodes]
Kumail NanjianiKumail Nanjiani  (Socal Waiter)[1 Episodes]
Ted Douglass  (Ted)[1 Episodes]
Katie O'GradyKatie O'Grady  (Teacher)[1 Episodes]
Ryver Hankins  [1 Episodes]
Rusty Tennant  [1 Episodes]
Vanessa BayerVanessa Bayer  [1 Episodes]
Andrew Dhulst  [1 Episodes]
Peter Simpson  [1 Episodes]
Wrick Jones  [1 Episodes]
Linda Rudawitz  [1 Episodes]
Brigitte NielsenBrigitte Nielsen  [1 Episodes]
Chris Murray  [1 Episodes]
John Breen  [1 Episodes]
Anna GunnAnna Gunn  [1 Episodes]
Sam Adams  [1 Episodes]
Shepard Fairey  [1 Episodes]
Corrina Repp  [1 Episodes]
Justin LongJustin Long  [1 Episodes]
Paul Mcginnis  [1 Episodes]
Paul ReubensPaul Reubens  [1 Episodes]
Cody Burns  [1 Episodes]
Marshall Bangs  [1 Episodes]
Seth MeyersSeth Meyers  [1 Episodes]
Matthew Schur  [1 Episodes]
Allen Nause  [1 Episodes]
Cameron Kolkemo  [1 Episodes]
Natasha LyonneNatasha Lyonne  [1 Episodes]
Irina Ryan  [1 Episodes]
Ashby Collinson  [1 Episodes]
Graham Wagner  [1 Episodes]
Angelique Little  [1 Episodes]
Peter Alzado  [1 Episodes]
Lance Bangs  [1 Episodes]
Paul SimonPaul Simon  [1 Episodes]
Raul Espericueta  [1 Episodes]
Matt Groening  [1 Episodes]
Jaime Langton  [1 Episodes]
John FarleyJohn Farley  [1 Episodes]
Erin Mcgarry  [1 Episodes]
Cora Benesh  [1 Episodes]
Steve BuscemiSteve Buscemi  [1 Episodes]
John r. Lewis  [1 Episodes]
Veronica Heath  [1 Episodes]
Jane LynchJane Lynch  [1 Episodes]
Pat Boyle  [1 Episodes]
Peter GilesPeter Giles  [1 Episodes]
Adam Robinson  [1 Episodes]
Greta GerwigGreta Gerwig  [1 Episodes]
Patricia Hunter  [1 Episodes]
Ho Pham  [1 Episodes]
Parker PoseyParker Posey  [1 Episodes]
M'chel Bauxal  [1 Episodes]
Corin Tucker  [1 Episodes]
Gray Eubank  [1 Episodes]
Caitlin Nolan  [1 Episodes]
Judith Ford  [1 Episodes]
Gretchen CorbettGretchen Corbett  [1 Episodes]
Katie Michels  [1 Episodes]
Ken Otto  [1 Episodes]
Betty Moyer  [1 Episodes]