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Serie TV: Young Lawyers, Season 1969-1971 (1969)


 Season Episodes

25 Episodes:

6) Where's Aaron
16) False Witness
17) Legal Maneuver
19) The Victims


John NewlandJohn Newland [12 Episodes]
Jud Taylor [12 Episodes]
Harvey HartHarvey Hart [1 Episodes]


Judy PaceJudy Pace  (Pat walters)[25 Episodes]
Zalman King  (Aaron Silverman)[25 Episodes]
Phillip Clark  [9 Episodes]
Douglas HendersonDouglas Henderson  [4 Episodes]
Tol AveryTol Avery  [4 Episodes]
Russ Conway (attore)Russ Conway (attore)  [3 Episodes]
Ford RaineyFord Rainey  [2 Episodes]
Ben Hammer  [2 Episodes]
Tony DanteTony Dante  [2 Episodes]
Albert Cavens  [2 Episodes]
Bob HarksBob Harks  [2 Episodes]
Fletcher Allen  [2 Episodes]
Keith Walker  [2 Episodes]
David SheinerDavid Sheiner  [2 Episodes]
Jon LormerJon Lormer  [2 Episodes]
Byron Clark  [2 Episodes]
Gwynne GilfordGwynne Gilford  [2 Episodes]
Robert Strong  [2 Episodes]
Margaret Markov  [2 Episodes]
Kent Jarvis  [2 Episodes]
Robert CornthwaiteRobert Cornthwaite  [2 Episodes]
Tim O'connorTim O'connor  (Lew fulton)[1 Episodes]
Julie AdamsJulie Adams  (Alice Graham)[1 Episodes]
Marsha HuntMarsha Hunt  (Celia Fulton)[1 Episodes]
Nan MartinNan Martin  (Elsa Novak)[1 Episodes]
Charles Irving  [1 Episodes]
Jim McmullanJim Mcmullan  [1 Episodes]
Robert P. lieb  [1 Episodes]
Jack BerleJack Berle  [1 Episodes]
Ezekial Williams  [1 Episodes]
Richard DreyfussRichard Dreyfuss  [1 Episodes]
Mills WatsonMills Watson  [1 Episodes]
Erin O'reilly  [1 Episodes]
Lisa Pharren  [1 Episodes]
Richard PryorRichard Pryor  [1 Episodes]
Mary Layne  [1 Episodes]
Ray DantonRay Danton  [1 Episodes]
Vince HowardVince Howard  [1 Episodes]
Morris d. Erby  [1 Episodes]
Louise Latham  [1 Episodes]
Devra Korwin  [1 Episodes]
Warner Anderson  [1 Episodes]
Joan Delaney  [1 Episodes]
Lee Delano  [1 Episodes]
Frank BonnerFrank Bonner  [1 Episodes]
Len Wayland  [1 Episodes]
Michael LernerMichael Lerner  [1 Episodes]
Patricia Hyland  [1 Episodes]
Michael Strong  [1 Episodes]
Betsy Jones morelandBetsy Jones moreland  [1 Episodes]
Curt LowensCurt Lowens  [1 Episodes]
Byron MorrowByron Morrow  [1 Episodes]
Sam Melville  [1 Episodes]
Stuart Nisbet  [1 Episodes]
Gordon PinsentGordon Pinsent  [1 Episodes]
John Garwood  [1 Episodes]
Dallas Mitchell  [1 Episodes]
Kathryn JanssenKathryn Janssen  [1 Episodes]
Geoffrey LewisGeoffrey Lewis  [1 Episodes]
Karen Ericson  [1 Episodes]
James HongJames Hong  [1 Episodes]
Vic TaybackVic Tayback  [1 Episodes]
Peter Mark RichmanPeter Mark Richman  [1 Episodes]
Eve Bruce  [1 Episodes]
Don Hanmer  [1 Episodes]
Mel Gallagher  [1 Episodes]
Scott GlennScott Glenn  [1 Episodes]
Barbara Shannon  [1 Episodes]
Gary Tigerman  [1 Episodes]
Carmen ArgenzianoCarmen Argenziano  [1 Episodes]
Sharon Cintron  [1 Episodes]
Michael ParksMichael Parks  [1 Episodes]
Kelly Jean Peters  [1 Episodes]
Arch JohnsonArch Johnson  [1 Episodes]
William J.tannenWilliam J.tannen  [1 Episodes]
Joseph V. perryJoseph V. perry  [1 Episodes]
Henry Hunter  [1 Episodes]
Rick Warick  [1 Episodes]
Pat HinglePat Hingle  [1 Episodes]
Ted Foulkes  [1 Episodes]
Allen GarfieldAllen Garfield  [1 Episodes]
Lew BrownLew Brown  [1 Episodes]
James Oliver  [1 Episodes]
Walter BrookeWalter Brooke  [1 Episodes]
Irwin Simon  [1 Episodes]
Virginia Vincent  [1 Episodes]
Tod Andrews  [1 Episodes]
Art Lewis  [1 Episodes]
Gail BonneyGail Bonney  [1 Episodes]
Daniel Elam  [1 Episodes]
John BeckJohn Beck  [1 Episodes]
Celia Milius  [1 Episodes]
John Kerr  [1 Episodes]
George HolmesGeorge Holmes  [1 Episodes]
Brian Cutler  [1 Episodes]
Mike LallyMike Lally  [1 Episodes]
Bart La rueBart La rue  [1 Episodes]
José Portugal  [1 Episodes]
Nellie Burt  [1 Episodes]
Vincent Cobb  [1 Episodes]
Dick Cherney  [1 Episodes]
Brent Davis  [1 Episodes]
Bill QuinnBill Quinn  [1 Episodes]
Jeanne BatesJeanne Bates  [1 Episodes]
Arthur SpaceArthur Space  [1 Episodes]
Harry TownesHarry Townes  [1 Episodes]
Katherine MacgregorKatherine Macgregor  [1 Episodes]
Ken Renard  [1 Episodes]
Rudy DoucetteRudy Doucette  [1 Episodes]
Paul WinfieldPaul Winfield  [1 Episodes]
Patrick Riley  [1 Episodes]
John McliamJohn Mcliam  [1 Episodes]
Liam DunnLiam Dunn  [1 Episodes]
Katherine CannonKatherine Cannon  [1 Episodes]
Charles h. Radilak  [1 Episodes]
Doreen LangDoreen Lang  [1 Episodes]
Sherry Lynn diamant  [1 Episodes]
Whit BissellWhit Bissell  [1 Episodes]
Russell JohnsonRussell Johnson  [1 Episodes]
Paul Bertoya  [1 Episodes]
Georg Stanford brownGeorg Stanford brown  [1 Episodes]
Oliver McgowanOliver Mcgowan  [1 Episodes]
Jim Michael  [1 Episodes]
Majel BarrettMajel Barrett  [1 Episodes]
Ellen Moss  [1 Episodes]
Tom HollandTom Holland  [1 Episodes]
Larry LinvilleLarry Linville  [1 Episodes]
Fred SadoffFred Sadoff  [1 Episodes]
Robert PattenRobert Patten  [1 Episodes]
Joy Bang  [1 Episodes]
Mary Charlotte Wilcox  [1 Episodes]
Brenda ScottBrenda Scott  [1 Episodes]
Jordan RhodesJordan Rhodes  [1 Episodes]
Carl Reindel  [1 Episodes]
Mike Morelli  [1 Episodes]
Eli WallachEli Wallach  [1 Episodes]
Heidi Vaughn  [1 Episodes]
Anjanette ComerAnjanette Comer  [1 Episodes]
Jared MartinJared Martin  [1 Episodes]
Sandy WardSandy Ward  [1 Episodes]
Richard EasthamRichard Eastham  [1 Episodes]
Grace Albertson  [1 Episodes]
Arline Anderson  [1 Episodes]
Peter JasonPeter Jason  [1 Episodes]
Susan Neher  [1 Episodes]
Lonny ChapmanLonny Chapman  [1 Episodes]
Frank Converse  [1 Episodes]
Laurence HaddonLaurence Haddon  [1 Episodes]
Bruce Kimmel  [1 Episodes]
Trisha Landon  [1 Episodes]
Sidney CluteSidney Clute  [1 Episodes]
Sam EdwardsSam Edwards  [1 Episodes]
Peter Kilman  [1 Episodes]
Brett Pearson  [1 Episodes]
Fred Pinkard  [1 Episodes]
Michael LembeckMichael Lembeck  [1 Episodes]
Martha HyerMartha Hyer  [1 Episodes]
Eric LaneuvilleEric Laneuville  [1 Episodes]
Bing RussellBing Russell  [1 Episodes]
Todd MartinTodd Martin  [1 Episodes]
David Westberg  [1 Episodes]
Timothy Brown  [1 Episodes]
Lynn LoringLynn Loring  [1 Episodes]
Eddie Smith  [1 Episodes]
Gary LockwoodGary Lockwood  [1 Episodes]
Jack Slate  [1 Episodes]
Peter StraussPeter Strauss  [1 Episodes]
Tom DrakeTom Drake  [1 Episodes]
John David Carson  [1 Episodes]
Lili Valenty  [1 Episodes]
Doria Cook-nelson  [1 Episodes]
Jess Walton  [1 Episodes]
Robert WebberRobert Webber  [1 Episodes]
Dick Bass  [1 Episodes]
Barry AtwaterBarry Atwater  [1 Episodes]
Pete Duel  [1 Episodes]
June DaytonJune Dayton  [1 Episodes]
Victor Holchak  [1 Episodes]
Paula Kelly  [1 Episodes]
Robert F. lyons  [1 Episodes]
James ShigetaJames Shigeta  [1 Episodes]
Jason EversJason Evers  [1 Episodes]
Dean Cromer  [1 Episodes]
Larry J. BlakeLarry J. Blake  [1 Episodes]
Mark Russell  [1 Episodes]
Robert BoardRobert Board  [1 Episodes]
Michael PatakiMichael Pataki  [1 Episodes]
Scott Graham  [1 Episodes]
Alan Vint  [1 Episodes]
Harry Cohn  [1 Episodes]
Ron MasakRon Masak  [1 Episodes]
Fred Beir  [1 Episodes]
Antoinette Bower  [1 Episodes]
Annette Molen  [1 Episodes]
Philip Kenneally  [1 Episodes]
Gerald S. O'loughlin  [1 Episodes]
Phillip PinePhillip Pine  [1 Episodes]
George Simmons  [1 Episodes]
George McreadyGeorge Mcready  [1 Episodes]
Darren Dublin  [1 Episodes]
John LuptonJohn Lupton  [1 Episodes]
Barbara LunaBarbara Luna  [1 Episodes]
D'urville Martin  [1 Episodes]
Michael JeffersMichael Jeffers  [1 Episodes]
Tom Falk  [1 Episodes]
Charles Cirillo  [1 Episodes]
Tom Baker  [1 Episodes]
Simon OaklandSimon Oakland  [1 Episodes]
Oscar Degruy  [1 Episodes]
Gordon Devol  [1 Episodes]
Lars HensenLars Hensen  [1 Episodes]
Dabbs GreerDabbs Greer  [1 Episodes]
Flora Plumb  [1 Episodes]
Keenan WynnKeenan Wynn  [1 Episodes]
Lee BergereLee Bergere  [1 Episodes]
Stafford ReppStafford Repp  [1 Episodes]
Ed MccreadyEd Mccready  [1 Episodes]
Lane Bradbury  [1 Episodes]
Fredd Wayne  [1 Episodes]
Freda Jones  [1 Episodes]
Paul FixPaul Fix  [1 Episodes]
Sid Grossfeld  [1 Episodes]
Kim HunterKim Hunter  [1 Episodes]
Kristoffer TaboriKristoffer Tabori  [1 Episodes]
Paul Ryan  [1 Episodes]
Charlotte StewartCharlotte Stewart  [1 Episodes]
Shirley O'Hara  [1 Episodes]
Clarence Landry  [1 Episodes]
Karl LukasKarl Lukas  [1 Episodes]
Vincent Van pattenVincent Van patten  [1 Episodes]
James Farley  [1 Episodes]
Anthony Redondo  [1 Episodes]
John RubinsteinJohn Rubinstein  [1 Episodes]
Susan StrasbergSusan Strasberg  [1 Episodes]
Meredith BaxterMeredith Baxter  [1 Episodes]
Tom Palmer  [1 Episodes]
Elizabeth AllenElizabeth Allen  [1 Episodes]
Margaret Bacon  [1 Episodes]
Mark JenkinsMark Jenkins  [1 Episodes]
John SebastianJohn Sebastian  [1 Episodes]
Lieux Dressler  [1 Episodes]
Gary DubinGary Dubin  [1 Episodes]
Benjie BancroftBenjie Bancroft  [1 Episodes]
Edmond O'brienEdmond O'brien  [1 Episodes]
Squire Fridell  [1 Episodes]
David LewisDavid Lewis  [1 Episodes]
John LarchJohn Larch  [1 Episodes]
Paul Stevens  [1 Episodes]
James SikkingJames Sikking  [1 Episodes]
Ellen WestonEllen Weston  [1 Episodes]
Voltaire Perkins  [1 Episodes]
Christopher Beaumont  [1 Episodes]
Peter DonatPeter Donat  [1 Episodes]
Ann Summers  [1 Episodes]
Tim McintireTim Mcintire  [1 Episodes]
Jack Griffin  [1 Episodes]
Maggie Malooly  [1 Episodes]
Janet MargolinJanet Margolin  [1 Episodes]
David Mcfarland  [1 Episodes]
Angela Clarke  [1 Episodes]
Ben Wright  [1 Episodes]
Kevin HagenKevin Hagen  [1 Episodes]
Arthur ToveyArthur Tovey  [1 Episodes]
Dennis McCarthyDennis McCarthy  [1 Episodes]
Martin SheenMartin Sheen  [1 Episodes]
Robert Ritchie  [1 Episodes]
Jonathan Goldsmith  [1 Episodes]
Noah KeenNoah Keen  [1 Episodes]
Willard Sage  [1 Episodes]
Steve IhnatSteve Ihnat  [1 Episodes]
Johnny HaymerJohnny Haymer  [1 Episodes]