Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Serie TV: American Dreams

2002 -2005


 Season Episodes
12002-2003 [2002]25
22003-2004 [2003]19
32004-2005 [2004]17
Tot. Episodes61


David Semel [17 Episodes]
Mark Piznarski [5 Episodes]
Randy ZiskRandy Zisk [4 Episodes]


Brittany SnowBrittany Snow: (Meg Pryor)
[61 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Vanessa LengiesVanessa Lengies: (Roxanne Bojarski)
[61 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Tom VericaTom Verica: (Jack Pryor)
[61 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Gail O'gradyGail O'grady: (Helen Pryor)
[61 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Will EstesWill Estes: (Jj Pryor)
[61 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Ethan DampfEthan Dampf: (Will Pryor)
[61 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Sarah RamosSarah Ramos: (Patty Pryor)
[61 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Jonathan AdamsJonathan Adams: (Henry Walker)
[61 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Arlen EscarpetaArlen Escarpeta: (Sam Walker)
[61 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Rachel BostonRachel Boston: (Beth Mason)
[57 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Paul D. RobertsPaul D. Roberts: (Dick Clark)
[45 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Keith Robinson
[39 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Jamie ElmanJamie Elman: (Luke Foley)
[36 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Matthew john ArmstrongMatthew john Armstrong
[36 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Aysia PolkAysia Polk
[32 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Peter SpellosPeter Spellos: (Gus Il Regista)
[26 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Davis NevesDavis Neves
[21 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Joey LawrenceJoey Lawrence: (Michael Brooks)
[19 Episodes (s.:1-2)]
Rodney Scott
[19 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Adina PorterAdina Porter
[15 Episodes (s.:1-2)]
Sam Page
[15 Episodes (s.:2)]
Virginia MadsenVirginia Madsen
[14 Episodes (s.:1)]
Daphne ZunigaDaphne Zuniga
[14 Episodes (s.:3)]
Milo VentimigliaMilo Ventimiglia: (Chris Pierce)
[13 Episodes (s.:3)]