Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Serie TV: Bret Maverick

1981 -1982


 Season Episodes
11981-1982 [1981]18
Tot. Episodes18


Leo PennLeo Penn [3 Episodes]
William Wiard [3 Episodes]
Ivan DixonIvan Dixon [3 Episodes]
John Ii Patterson [2 Episodes]
Stuart MargolinStuart Margolin [2 Episodes]


Ramon BieriRamon Bieri
[18 Episodes (s.:1)]
Darleen CarrDarleen Carr
[18 Episodes (s.:1)]
Ed BruceEd Bruce
[18 Episodes (s.:1)]
Luis Delgado
[18 Episodes (s.:1)]
James GarnerJames Garner
[18 Episodes (s.:1)]
Jack GarnerJack Garner
[18 Episodes (s.:1)]
John ShearinJohn Shearin
[18 Episodes (s.:1)]
Richard HamiltonRichard Hamilton
[18 Episodes (s.:1)]
David KnellDavid Knell
[18 Episodes (s.:1)]
Chester Grimes
[15 Episodes (s.:1)]
Tommy BushTommy Bush
[14 Episodes (s.:1)]
Boyd Cabeen
[11 Episodes (s.:1)]
Bernard SellBernard Sell
[11 Episodes (s.:1)]
Walter Smith
[10 Episodes (s.:1)]
Rod McgaughyRod Mcgaughy
[10 Episodes (s.:1)]
Stuart MargolinStuart Margolin
[8 Episodes (s.:1)]
Priscilla MorrillPriscilla Morrill
[7 Episodes (s.:1)]
Joe Pine
[6 Episodes (s.:1)]
Rudy DoucetteRudy Doucette
[5 Episodes (s.:1)]
Arthur ToveyArthur Tovey
[5 Episodes (s.:1)]
Nick Raymond
[5 Episodes (s.:1)]