Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Serie TV: Due South

1994 -1999


 Season Episodes
11994-1995 [1994]23
21995-1996 [1995]18
31997-1998 [1997]13
41998-1999 [1998]13
Tot. Episodes67


George Bloomfield [24 Episodes]
Steve Dimarco [10 Episodes]
David Warry Smith [4 Episodes]
Richard J. Lewis [4 Episodes]


Paul GrossPaul Gross: (Benton Fraser)
[67 Episodes (s.:1-4)]
Beau StarrBeau Starr: (Cap. Harding Welsh)
[66 Episodes (s.:1-4)]
Tony Craig: (Det. Jack Huey)
[66 Episodes (s.:1-4)]
David MarcianoDavid Marciano: (Ray Vecchio)
[44 Episodes (s.:1-4)]
Catherine BruhierCatherine Bruhier: (Elaine Besbritt)
[43 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Camilla Scott: (Isp. Meg Thatcher)
[38 Episodes (s.:2-4)]
Gordon PinsentGordon Pinsent: (Serg. Robert Fraser)
[37 Episodes (s.:1-4)]
Ramona MilanoRamona Milano: (Francesca Vecchio)
[35 Episodes (s.:1-4)]
Daniel KashDaniel Kash: (Det. Louis Guardino)
[31 Episodes (s.:1-2)]
Callum Keith RennieCallum Keith Rennie: (Stanley 'ray' Kowalski)
[26 Episodes (s.:3-4)]
Tom MelissisTom Melissis: (Det. Thomas E. Dewey)
[26 Episodes (s.:3-4)]
DracoDraco: (Diefenbaker)
[26 Episodes (s.:3-4)]
Lincoln: (Diefenbaker)
[22 Episodes (s.:1-2)]
Dean McDermottDean McDermott
[18 Episodes (s.:1-4)]