Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Serie TV: Facts of Life

1979 -1988


 Season Episodes
11979-1980 [1979]13
21980-1981 [1980]16
31981-1982 [1981]24
41982-1983 [1982]24
51983-1984 [1983]26
61984-1985 [1984]26
71985-1986 [1985]24
81986-1987 [1986]24
91987-1988 [1987]24
Tot. Episodes201


John Bowab [91 Episodes]
Asaad Kelada [77 Episodes]


Lisa WhelchelLisa Whelchel: (Blair Warner)
[201 Episodes (s.:1-9)]
Kim FieldsKim Fields: (Dorothy 'tootie' Ramsey)
[201 Episodes (s.:1-9)]
Mindy CohnMindy Cohn: (Natalie Green)
[201 Episodes (s.:1-9)]
Nancy McKeonNancy McKeon: (Jo Polniaczek)
[188 Episodes (s.:2-9)]
Charlotte RaeCharlotte Rae: (Edna Garrett)
[155 Episodes (s.:1-8)]
Mackenzie AstinMackenzie Astin: (Andy Moffet)
[72 Episodes (s.:6-9)]
Cloris LeachmanCloris Leachman: (Beverly Ann Stickle)
[48 Episodes (s.:8-9)]