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Serie TV: Jake and the Fatman

1987 -1992


 Season Episodes
11987-1988 [1987]22
21989 [1989]11
31989-1990 [1989]26
41990-1991 [1990]24
51991-1992 [1991]22
Tot. Episodes105


Bernard L. KowalskiBernard L. Kowalski [16 Episodes]
Reza BadiyiReza Badiyi [9 Episodes]
Michael LangeMichael Lange [8 Episodes]
E. W. Swackhamer [8 Episodes]
Georg FenadyGeorg Fenady [6 Episodes]


William ConradWilliam Conrad: (J.l. Mccabe)
[103 Episodes (s.:1-5)]
Joe PennyJoe Penny: (Jake Styles)
[103 Episodes (s.:1-5)]
Alan Campbell: (Derek Mitchell)
[103 Episodes (s.:1-5)]
Olga Russell
[44 Episodes (s.:3-5)]