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Serie TV: Raines

2007 -2007


 Season Episodes
12007 [2007]7
Tot. Episodes7


Felix Enriquez AlcalàFelix Enriquez Alcalà [2 Episodes]
Frank DarabontFrank Darabont [1 Episodes]
Peter WernerPeter Werner [1 Episodes]
Paul Michael GlaserPaul Michael Glaser [1 Episodes]
Guy FerlandGuy Ferland [1 Episodes]
Frederick King Keller [1 Episodes]


Jeff GoldblumJeff Goldblum: (Det. Michael Raines)
[7 Episodes (s.:1)]
Matt CravenMatt Craven: (Cap. Daniel Lewis)
[7 Episodes (s.:1)]
Nicole SullivanNicole Sullivan: (Carolyn Crumley)
[7 Episodes (s.:1)]
Linda ParkLinda Park: (Ag. Michelle Lance)
[7 Episodes (s.:1)]
Dov DavidoffDov Davidoff: (Ag. Remi Boyer)
[7 Episodes (s.:1)]
Malik YobaMalik Yoba: (Charlie Lincoln)
[7 Episodes (s.:1)]
Madeleine StoweMadeleine Stowe: (Dott.ssa Samantha Kohl)
[6 Episodes (s.:1)]
Ryan Van de Kamp BuchananRyan Van de Kamp Buchanan
[2 Episodes (s.:1)]
Rachel WinfreeRachel Winfree
[2 Episodes (s.:1)]