Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Serie TV: Shirley

1979 -1980


 Season Episodes
11979-1980 [1979]13
Tot. Episodes13


William F. claxton [2 Episodes]
Mel Ferber [2 Episodes]
Stan Lathan [2 Episodes]
Alan Myerson [2 Episodes]


Shirley JonesShirley Jones
[12 Episodes (s.:1)]
Peter Barton
[12 Episodes (s.:1)]
Tracey GoldTracey Gold
[11 Episodes (s.:1)]
Bret Shryer
[11 Episodes (s.:1)]
Rosanna ArquetteRosanna Arquette
[11 Episodes (s.:1)]
Ann DoranAnn Doran
[9 Episodes (s.:1)]
John McintireJohn Mcintire
[7 Episodes (s.:1)]
Patrick WaynePatrick Wayne
[5 Episodes (s.:1)]