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Serie TV: Stargirl

2020 -2022


 Season Episodes
12020 [2020]13
22021 [2021]13
32022 [2022]13
Tot. Episodes39


Andi Armaganian [9 Episodes]
Lea ThompsonLea Thompson [5 Episodes]
Greg BeemanGreg Beeman [4 Episodes]
Walter Garcia [4 Episodes]
Sheelin ChokseySheelin Choksey [4 Episodes]
Glen Winter [3 Episodes]
Jennifer Phang [3 Episodes]


Brec BassingerBrec Bassinger: (Courtney Whitmore / Stargirl)
[39 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Trae RomanoTrae Romano: (Mike Dugan)
[39 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Amy SmartAmy Smart: (Barbara Whitmore)
[39 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Luke WilsonLuke Wilson: (Pat Dugan / S.T.R.I.P.E.)
[39 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Yvette MonrealYvette Monreal: (Yolanda Montez / Wildcat)
[35 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Cameron GellmanCameron Gellman: (Rick Tyler / Hourman)
[34 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Meg DeLacyMeg DeLacy: (Cindy Burman / Shiv)
[30 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Hunter SansoneHunter Sansone: (Cameron Mahkent)
[21 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Gilbert Glenn BrownGilbert Glenn Brown
[20 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Joel MchaleJoel Mchale: (Starman)
[18 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Stella SmithStella Smith: (Artemis Crock)
[18 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Neil JacksonNeil Jackson: (Jordan Mahkent / Icicle)
[17 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Kron MooreKron Moore: (Dr. Bridget Chapel)
[17 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Neil HopkinsNeil Hopkins: (Lawrence Crock / Sportsmaster)
[16 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Joy OsmanskiJoy Osmanski: (Paula Brooks / Tigress)
[16 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Maria SagerMaria Sager: (Maria Carmen Saravia)
[16 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Kay GalvinKay Galvin: (Lily Mahkent)
[16 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Jim FranceJim France: (Sofus Mahkent)
[15 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Jonathan CakeJonathan Cake: (Richard Swift / Shade)
[14 Episodes (s.:2-3)]
Alkoya BrunsonAlkoya Brunson: (Jakeem Williams)
[14 Episodes (s.:2-3)]
King OrbaKing Orba: (Zeek)
[13 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Eric GoinsEric Goins: (Steven Sharpe / Gambler)
[12 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Max FrantzMax Frantz: (Isaac Bowin)
[12 Episodes (s.:1-2)]
Nelson Lee: (Shiro Ito / Dragon King)
[12 Episodes (s.:1-3)]
Jake Austin walkerJake Austin walker: (Henry King Jr.)
[11 Episodes (s.:1-2)]
Hina KhanHina Khan: (Anaya Bowin)
[10 Episodes (s.:1-2)]
Ashley WinfreyAshley Winfrey: (Jenny Williams)
[10 Episodes (s.:1-2)]