Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Serie TV: UFO

1970 -1971


 Season Episodes
11970-1971 [1970]26
Tot. Episodes26


David LeanDavid Lean [8 Episodes]
Ken Turner [6 Episodes]
Alan Perry [5 Episodes]
Jeremy Summers [2 Episodes]
David Tomblin [2 Episodes]
Cyril Frankel [2 Episodes]


Ed BishopEd Bishop: (Com. Ed Straker)
[26 Episodes (s.:1)]
Dolores MantezDolores Mantez: (Ten. Nina Barry)
[23 Episodes (s.:1)]
Michael BillingtonMichael Billington: (Col. Paul Foster)
[21 Episodes (s.:1)]
Ayshea BroughAyshea Brough
[20 Episodes (s.:1)]
George SewellGeorge Sewell: (Col. Alec Freeman)
[17 Episodes (s.:1)]
Keith AlexanderKeith Alexander: (Ten. Keith Ford)
[15 Episodes (s.:1)]
Antonia EllisAntonia Ellis: (Ten. Joan Harrington)
[13 Episodes (s.:1)]
Gabrielle DrakeGabrielle Drake: (Ten. Gay Ellis)
[10 Episodes (s.:1)]
Vladek SheybalVladek Sheybal: (Dott. Douglas Jackson)
[10 Episodes (s.:1)]
Gary Myers: (Cap. Lew Waterman)
[10 Episodes (s.:1)]
Norma RonaldNorma Ronald: (Miss Ealand)
[10 Episodes (s.:1)]
Jon KelleyJon Kelley
[10 Episodes (s.:1)]
Wanda VenthamWanda Ventham: (Col. Virginia Lake)
[9 Episodes (s.:1)]
Grant TaylorGrant Taylor: (Gen. James Henderson)
[9 Episodes (s.:1)]
Jeremy WilkinJeremy Wilkin
[8 Episodes (s.:1)]
Georgina MoonGeorgina Moon
[8 Episodes (s.:1)]
Peter GordenoPeter Gordeno: (Cap. Peter Carlin)
[6 Episodes (s.:1)]
Harry BairdHarry Baird: (Ten. Mark Bradley)
[6 Episodes (s.:1)]