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Serie TV: Walking Dead: Dead City



 Season Episodes
12023 [2023]6
Tot. Episodes6


Gandja Monteiro [2 Episodes]
Kevin Dowling [2 Episodes]
Loren s. Yaconelli [2 Episodes]


Mahina NapoleonMahina Napoleon: (Ginny)
[6 Episodes (s.:1)]
Jeffrey Dean MorganJeffrey Dean Morgan: (Negan Smith)
[6 Episodes (s.:1)]
Željko IvanekŽeljko Ivanek: (The Croat)
[6 Episodes (s.:1)]
Lauren CohanLauren Cohan: (Maggie Rhee)
[6 Episodes (s.:1)]
Gaius CharlesGaius Charles: (Perlie Armstrong)
[6 Episodes (s.:1)]
Logan Kim: (Hershel Rhee)
[5 Episodes (s.:1)]
Jonathan Higginbotham: (Tommaso)
[4 Episodes (s.:1)]
Karina Ortiz: (Amaia)
[4 Episodes (s.:1)]
Pallavi Sastry: (Nina)
[3 Episodes (s.:1)]
Jenna Hellmuth: (Tribeswoman)
[3 Episodes (s.:1)]
Randy Gonzalez: (Tribesman)
[3 Episodes (s.:1)]
Bryce Biederman: (Buraz Underling)
[3 Episodes (s.:1)]
Sonia Martín
[3 Episodes (s.:1)]
Victor Plajas
[3 Episodes (s.:1)]
Michael AnthonyMichael Anthony: (Luther)
[2 Episodes (s.:1)]
Sean Thompson: (Piano Playing Buraz)
[2 Episodes (s.:1)]
Hedley HarlanHedley Harlan: (Skinny Buraz)
[2 Episodes (s.:1)]
Lisa EmeryLisa Emery: (The Dama)
[2 Episodes (s.:1)]
Aixa Kendrick: (Scavenger Woman)
[2 Episodes (s.:1)]
Eleanor Reissa: (Esther)
[2 Episodes (s.:1)]
David Chen: (Gritz)
[2 Episodes (s.:1)]
Mark Pettograsso
[2 Episodes (s.:1)]
Genoveva Rossi
[2 Episodes (s.:1)]