Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Don't Shoot the Pianist (1965)

Original title: don't shoot the pianist
| tv series|


Rex Tuckerregista

Production and Screenplay

Innes Lloydproduttore
Donald Cottonscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Shane RimmerShane Rimmer(età:36)
John AldersonJohn Alderson(età:49)
Jackie LaneJackie Lane(età:24)
David GrahamDavid Graham(età:40)
Maurice Good(età:33)
Richard Beale(età:45)
Peter Purves(età:26)
John Doye(età:47)
Jane Tucker(età:16)

Technical staff

Daphne Darecostumista
Sonia Markhamtruccatore
Barry Newberyscenografo
Les Newmanmontatore

Voices and Dubbing