Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Relativity Theory (1998)

Original title: relativity theory
| tv series|


Ken Girottiregista

Production and Screenplay

Leslie Stevensproduttore
Chris Ruppenthalproduttore
Carleton Eastlakescrittore

Interpreters and Characters

control voice
Doug JonesDoug Jones(età:38)
Hiro KanagawaHiro Kanagawa(età:35)
Tim GuineeTim Guinee(età:36)
Robert Lewis(età:89)
Michael KopsaMichael Kopsa(età:42)

Technical staff

Steve Johnsontruccatore
Chris Walkertruccatore
Susan Boydparrucchiere
Stephen Geaghanscenografo
Mary Jo SlaterMary Jo Slatercasting
Stacey ButterworthStacey Butterworthtruccatore
Paul WeberPaul Webercasting

Voices and Dubbing