Database of cinema, music, history and literature

David di Donatello 1983

the david di donatello is an italian film award, awarded by the ente david di donatello of the academy of italian cinema since 1956.

Edition number 28 of the event; awards assigned:

Miglior film straniero

poster del film gandhi
  for the movie gandhi
Assigned to
Richard Attenborough

best foreign actor

poster del film The Verdict
  for the movie The Verdict
Assigned to
Paul Newman

best foreign actress

poster del film victor victoria
  for the movie victor victoria
Assigned to
Julie Andrews

best supporting actress

poster del film scusate il ritardo
  for the movie scusate il ritardo
Assigned to
Lina Polito
  for the movie sapore di mare
Assigned to
Virna Lisi

Miglior regista esordiente

  for the movie grog
Assigned to
Francesco Laudadio

david european

poster del film gandhi
  for the movie gandhi
Assigned to
Richard Attenborough