Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Silver Ribbon 2011 (june 25, 2011)

the silver ribbon is a cinematographic award awarded by the national syndicate of italian film journalists (sngci) since 1946.

Edition number 66 of the event; awards assigned:

Regista del miglior film

poster del film We Have a Pope
  for the movie We Have a Pope
Assigned to
Nanni Moretti
nominations for the movie :

Migliore film europeo

poster del film the king's speech
  for the movie the king's speech
nominations for the movie :

Migliore film extraeuropeo

poster del film hereafter
  for the movie hereafter
nominations for the movie :

Migliore attore non protagonista

poster del film The Passion
  for the movie The Passion
Assigned to
Giuseppe Battiston
poster del film figli delle stelle
  for the movie figli delle stelle
Assigned to
Giuseppe Battiston
poster del film Senza arte né parte
  for the movie Senza arte né parte
Assigned to
Giuseppe Battiston
nominations for the movie :

Migliore fotografia

poster del film We Have a Pope
  for the movie We Have a Pope
Assigned to
Alessandro Pesci
nominations for the movie :

Migliore sonoro in presa diretta

poster del film The Jewel
  for the movie The Jewel
Assigned to
Mario Iaquone
poster del film 20 sigarette
  for the movie 20 sigarette
Assigned to
Mario Iaquone
nominations for the movie :

Miglior regista esordiente

poster del film Corpo celeste
  for the movie Corpo celeste
Assigned to
Alice Rohrwacher
nominations for the movie :

Premio Guglielmo Biraghi

poster del film maschi contro femmine
  for the movie maschi contro femmine
Assigned to
Chiara Francini
poster del film The Jewel
  for the movie The Jewel
Assigned to
Sarah Felberbaum
poster del film Una vita tranquilla
  for the movie Una vita tranquilla
Assigned to
Francesco Di leva
poster del film 20 sigarette
  for the movie 20 sigarette
Assigned to
Vinicio Marchioni