Database of cinema, music, history and literature

100 metros (2016)

Original title: 100 metros
Production: Spain|108 min
Comedy, Dramatic, Historical
Poster of movie 100 metros
based on true events, a spanish man with multiple sclerosis who tried to finish an iron-man competition despite he was told that he could not make 100 meters.

Festivals and awards


Marcel Barrenaregista

Production and Screenplay

Carlos Fernandezproduttore
Marcel Barrenasceneggiatore
Alina Constansoproduttore
Adrià Monésproduttore esecutivo
Tino Navarroproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Clara SeguraClara Segura(età:42)
Pierre AimPierre Aim(età:57)
Alba Ribas(età:28)
Dani Rovira(età:36)
Betsy Túrnez(età:42)
Manuela Couto(età:58)
Marc BalaguerMarc Balaguer(età:21)
Andrea TrepatAndrea Trepat(età:30)
Mireia Rey(età:33)

Technical staff

Rodrigo Leãomusiche
Xavi Gimenezdirettore della fotografia
Patricia Reyestruccatore
Pablo Peronatruccatore
Sylvia Steinbrechtscenografo
Marcel Barrenacasting
Isabel Finklercostumista
Alba Guillénparrucchiere
Laura Garcíatruccatore