Database of cinema, music, history and literature

17 ragazze (2011)

Original title: 17 filles
Production: France|86 min
Poster of movie 17 ragazze
when a rebellious teenager finds out that she is already eight weeks pregnant, she forms a pact with sixteen of her classmates to get pregnant simultaneously, raise their children together, and most of all, be in charge of their lives.

Festivals and awards


Delphine CoulinDelphine Coulinregista
Muriel Coulinregista

Production and Screenplay

Denis Freydproduttore
Delphine CoulinDelphine Coulinsceneggiatore
Muriel Coulinsceneggiatore
André Bouvardproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Yara PilartzYara Pilartz(età:16)
Roxane DuranRoxane Duran(età:18)
Carlo Brandt(età:57)
(il preside)
Solène RigotSolène Rigot
Florence Thomassin(età:45)
(la madre di camilla)
Esther GarrelEsther Garrel(età:20)
Noemie LvovskyNoemie Lvovsky(età:47)
(l'infermiera scolastica)
Serge Moati(età:65)

Technical staff

Guy Lecornemontatore
Dorothée Guiraudcostumista
Jean-Louis Vialarddirettore della fotografia
Sylvie Aïd-Denisottruccatore
Sarah Mescofftruccatore
Benoît Pfauwadelscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2011)