Database of cinema, music, history and literature

1922 (2017)

Original title: 1922
Production: USA|101 min
Horror, Dramatic, Thriller
Poster of movie 1922

Origin of the subject


Zak Hilditchregista

Production and Screenplay

Zak Hilditchsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

sceriffo jones
henry "hank" james
Dylan SchmidDylan Schmid(età:18)
wilfred james
Thomas JaneThomas Jane(età:48)
arlette james
Molly ParkerMolly Parker(età:45)
andrew lester
Bob FrazerBob Frazer(età:46)
harlan cotterie
shannon cotterie

Technical staff

Mike PattonMike Pattonmusiche
Ben Richardsondirettore della fotografia
Merlin Edenmontatore
Page Bucknerscenografo