Database of cinema, music, history and literature

20 dates (1998)

Original title: 20 dates
Production: USA|87 min|
myles calls himself a director, but he has never made a film and this is to the detriment of his professional and sentimental success. he decides to shoot a film on twenty gallant events, taking the protagonists back without their knowledge.


Myles Berkowitzregista

Production and Screenplay

Myles Berkowitzsceneggiatore
Mark Mcgarryproduttore
Jason Villardproduttore
Michael Mirischproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Myles Berkowitz
(Myles, aspirante regista)
Tia CarrereTia Carrere(età:31)
Elie Samaha(età:43)

Technical staff

Michael Elliotmontatore
David RaksinDavid Raksinmusiche
Steve Tyrellmusiche
Adam Biggsdirettore della fotografia