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21 jump street (2012)

Original title: 21 jump street
Production: USA|109 min
Action, Comedy, Crime
Poster of movie 21 jump street


A. Lord philipregista

Production and Screenplay

Michael BacallMichael Bacallsceneggiatore
Chris Miller (animatore)Chris Miller (animatore)sceneggiatore
A. Lord philipsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Jonah HillJonah Hill(età:29)
(morton schmidt)
Channing TatumChanning Tatum(età:32)
(greg jenko)
Brie LarsonBrie Larson(età:23)
(molly tracey)
Dave FrancoDave Franco(età:27)
(eric molson)
Rob RiggleRob Riggle(età:42)
(mr. walters)
Ice Cube(età:43)
(capitano dickson)
Nick OffermanNick Offerman(età:42)
(capitano hardy)
Jake JohnsonJake Johnson(età:34)
(preside dadier)
Ellie KemperEllie Kemper(età:32)
(mrs. griggs)
Caroline AaronCaroline Aaron(età:60)
(annie schmidt)
Chris ParnellChris Parnell(età:45)
(mr. gordon)
Johnny DeppJohnny Depp(età:49)
(tom hanson)
Peter DeluisePeter Deluise(età:46)
(doug penhall)

Technical staff

Peter Wenhamscenografo
Joel Negronmontatore
Barry Petersondirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2012)

Daniele RaffaeliDaniele Raffaeli Voice of Eric
Gemma DonatiGemma Donati Voice of Molly

Music tracks of the soundtrack