Database of cinema, music, history and literature

28 weeks later (2007)

Original title: 28 weeks later
Production: UK|100 min
Science fiction
Poster of movie 28 weeks later
This movie is episode 2 of the series 28 days later composed by:


Production and Screenplay

Alex GarlandAlex Garlandproduttore
Juan Carlos FresnadilloJuan Carlos Fresnadillosceneggiatore
Enrique Lopez lavigneEnrique Lopez lavignesceneggiatore
Jesus Olmosceneggiatore
Rowan Joffesceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Robert CarlyleRobert Carlyle(età:46)
(donald "don" harris)
Jeremy RennerJeremy Renner(età:36)
(sergente doyle)
Rose ByrneRose Byrne(età:28)
(scarlett ross)
Catherine MccormackCatherine Mccormack(età:35)
(alice harris)
Harold PerrineauHarold Perrineau(età:44)
Imogen PootsImogen Poots(età:18)
(tammy harris)
Idris ElbaIdris Elba(età:35)
donald harris
Amanda Walker(età:72)
Emily BeechamEmily Beecham(età:23)

Technical staff

Richard Conwayeffetti speciali
Enrique Chediakdirettore della fotografia
Chris Gillmontatore
Mark TildesleyMark Tildesleyscenografo
Nicholls Cherieffetti speciali
Petrie Janecostumista
Bonneywell Davetruccatore
John Murphymusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2007)

Massimo RossiMassimo Rossi Voice of donald harris