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40 Days and 40 Nights (2002)

Original title: 40 days and 40 nights
Production: France, UK, USA|96 min
Comedy, Romantic, Erotic
Poster of movie 40 Days and 40 Nights
a student from san francisco, ditched by his girlfriend, retaliates by hanging out with lots of different girls but then, suddenly seized with hallucinations, falls into a crisis of values ??and decides to 'purify his soul', giving up sex for duration of lent. just at that time, during a night expedition to the laundromat, he meets the most interesting girl he has ever seen and falls in love with. in short, he has visions of older people and naked women everywhere and, to complicate matters, a group of friends has every interest in seeing him fail, since he has opened an internet site where you can bet on how much he can keep the vote.


Michael LehmannMichael Lehmannregista

Production and Screenplay

Stuart M.besserproduttore
Tim BevanTim Bevanproduttore
Eric Fellnerproduttore
Rob Perezsceneggiatore
Michael Londonproduttore
Liza ChasinLiza Chasinproduttore esecutivo
Debra Haywardproduttore esecutivo
Jennifer J. thomasproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Monet MazurMonet Mazur(età:26)
Glenn FitzgeraldGlenn Fitzgerald(età:31)
Dylan NealDylan Neal(età:33)
Jarrad PaulJarrad Paul(età:26)
Adam TreseAdam Trese(età:33)
(John Sullivan)
Keegan Connor tracyKeegan Connor tracy(età:31)
Michelle HarrisonMichelle Harrison(età:27)
Chris GauthierChris Gauthier(età:26)
Terry ChenTerry Chen(età:27)
Vinessa ShawVinessa Shaw(età:26)
Paulo CostanzoPaulo Costanzo(età:24)
Maggie GyllenhaalMaggie Gyllenhaal(età:25)
Emmanuelle VaugierEmmanuelle Vaugier(età:26)
Shannyn SossamonShannyn Sossamon(età:23)
(erica sutton)
Griffin DunneGriffin Dunne(età:47)
(jerry anderson)
Josh HartnettJosh Hartnett(età:24)
(matt sullivan)
Aaron Trainor
Christine ChatelainChristine Chatelain(età:17)
Barry NewmanBarry Newman(età:64)
(walter sullivan)
michael conor maronna
(ragazzo delle ciambelle)
Stefanie Von pfetten(età:29)
(ragazza a chinatown)
Stanley AndersonStanley Anderson(età:63)
(padre maher)
Mary GrossMary Gross(età:49)
(bev sullivan)
Natassia MaltheNatassia Malthe(età:24)
(donna sul letto)
Tracy Kyser
(business woman)
Susan Bain
(ms. willow)
Chiara ZanniChiara Zanni(età:24)
(suora che bacia il prete)

Technical staff

Curtiss Claytonmontatore
Elliot Davisdirettore della fotografia
Jill M.ohannesoncostumista
Sharon Seymourscenografo
Rolfe Kentmusiche
Miia Koveroparrucchiere
Lesley Bealearredatore
Nicholas C. smithmontatore
Jenny-king Turkotruccatore
Ayush Tandontruccatore
Yvonne J. hurstscenografo
Gretchen Davistruccatore
Kathrine Gordonparrucchiere
Gina Sherrittparrucchiere
L. taylor Robertstruccatore
Thom Macintyreparrucchiere
Joan Nygrentruccatore
Tone Rorviktruccatore
Shawn Finchparrucchiere
Howard Leonardparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2002)

Music tracks of the soundtrack