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4th man out (2015)

Original title: 4th man out
Production: USA|86 min
Dramatic, Comedy
Poster of movie 4th man out
a car mechanic in a small, working class town comes out of the closet to his unsuspecting, blue-collar best friends.


Andrew Nackmanregista

Production and Screenplay

Aaron Danciksceneggiatore
Heather Hogarthproduttore
Katie Learyproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

Parker YoungParker Young(età:27)
Kate FlanneryKate Flannery(età:51)
Brooke Dillman(età:49)
Chord OverstreetChord Overstreet(età:26)
Jennifer Damiano(età:24)
Evan Todd(età:26)
(adam hutcherson)
Jon Gabrus(età:33)
Jake EpsteinJake Epstein(età:28)
(marc the artist)
Laura HarrierLaura Harrier(età:25)
Brandon Gill(età:28)
Tommy Bracco(età:25)

Technical staff

Herman Beeftinkmusiche
Candy Johnsontruccatore
Michael P. shawvermontatore
Damian Horandirettore della fotografia
Maria Dirolfscenografo
Genn Shaughnessytruccatore
Alex Simonecostumista
Heather Hogarthtruccatore
Bonnie Bacevichscenografo
Karlee Fomalontcasting

Music tracks of the soundtrack