Database of cinema, music, history and literature

8mm (1999)

Original title: 8mm
Production: Germany, USA|123 min
Dramatic, Thriller, Violence
Poster of movie 8mm
tom welles, private investigator, leads a quiet life with his wife amy and their child, dealing mainly with cases of infidelity. one day, however, an eight-millimeter reel, found by a widow in her husband's safe, violently tears her from her routine: it's a snuff movie about the frightening disappearance of a young woman. the obsession with the new case, also fueled by an adult bookstore clerk, max, will take welles from the los angeles sidewalks to the hell of new york's extreme porn, upsetting his existence forever.


Joel SchumacherJoel Schumacherregista

Production and Screenplay

Jeff Levineproduttore
Joel SchumacherJoel Schumacherproduttore
Joel SchumacherJoel Schumachersceneggiatore
Andrew Kevin Walkersceneggiatore
Gavin PoloneGavin Poloneproduttore
Judy Hofflundproduttore
Joseph M.caraccioloproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Catherine KeenerCatherine Keener(età:39)
(Amy Welles)
James GandolfiniJames Gandolfini(età:38)
(Eddie Poole)
Jack Betts(età:70)
Fran BennettFran Bennett(età:62)
Anthony HealdAnthony Heald(età:55)
(daniel longdale)
Peter StormarePeter Stormare(età:46)
(dino velvet)
Chris BauerChris Bauer(età:33)
(george higgins/macina)
Jenny Powell (attrice)
(mary anne mathews)
Joaquin PhoenixJoaquin Phoenix(età:25)
(max california)
Luisa Oropeza
(responsabile dell'archivio)
Anne Gee byrdAnne Gee byrd(età:61)
(senatore michaelson)
Myra Carter
(signora christian)
Amy MortonAmy Morton(età:41)
(signora mathews)
Nicolas CageNicolas Cage(età:35)
(tom welles)
Norman ReedusNorman Reedus(età:30)
(warren anderson)
signor anderson
george anthony higgins/machine
James RemarJames Remar(età:46)
Bob ClendeninBob Clendenin(età:35)
Frankie Ray(età:37)
Don CreechDon Creech(età:51)
Suzy NakamuraSuzy Nakamura(età:26)
Robert Amico(età:46)
Kiva Dawson(età:29)
Ava lee Scott(età:23)
Al Quinn(età:70)
Texas Terri(età:44)
Jacklyn Lick(età:25)
Luis Oropeza(età:56)
Nancy Vee(età:36)

Technical staff

Mark StevensMark Stevensmontatore
Michael Dannamusiche
Robert ElswitRobert Elswitdirettore della fotografia
Michael Millstruccatore
Gary Wissnerscenografo
Mona Maycostumista
Gary Fettisarredatore
Allen Weisingertruccatore
Mali Finncasting
Joseph Cosciaparrucchiere
Mark Ii Stevensmontatore
Mychael DannaMychael Dannamusiche
Peter Tothpalparrucchiere
Linda Grimestruccatore
Gershon Ginsburgscenografo
Jay Cannistracitruccatore
Anthony Veaderparrucchiere
Sharon Kalbtruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1999)

Massimo De AmbrosisMassimo De Ambrosis Voice of george anthony higgins/machine