Database of cinema, music, history and literature

A Dennis the Menace Christmas (2007)

Original title: a dennis the menace christmas
Production: UK|87 min
Poster of movie A Dennis the Menace Christmas
This movie is episode 3 of the series Dennis the Menace composed by:

Origin of the subject


Ron Oliverregista

Production and Screenplay

Steven J. wolfeproduttore
Kathleen Laccinolesceneggiatore
Scott Hymanproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Henry Mitchell
george wilson
Robert WagnerRobert Wagner(età:77)
alice mitchell
dennis mitchell
martha wilson
babbo natale/rob l'angelo
Godfrey (età:38)
david bratcher
jack bratcher
Marie MatikoMarie Matiko(età:37)
Walter MasseyWalter Massey(età:79)
Russell Yuen(età:42)

Technical staff

Peter Allenmusiche
Paola Ridolfiscenografo
James Covellmusiche
Pina Rizziparrucchiere
C. Kim Milesdirettore della fotografia
Zack Arnoldmontatore
David Blanchardarredatore
Larry Lafondcasting
Hélène Schneidercostumista

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2007)