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A Father for Brittany [filmTV] (1998)

Original title: a father for brittany
Production: USA|91 min| tv movie
Poster of movie A Father for Brittany [filmTV]
keith and kim are a happy couple. married for some years they go out of love and agree even if their happiness lacks the birth of a child. after a few failed attempts, they decide to adopt one and start the necessary practices. meanwhile, kim is diagnosed with cancer.


Alan Metzgerregista

Production and Screenplay

Scott Swantonscrittore
Jack Grossbartproduttore esecutivo
Joan Barnettproduttore esecutivo
Linda L. kentproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Teri PoloTeri Polo(età:29)
Paul MillerPaul Miller(età:38)
Judah KatzJudah Katz(età:38)
Anh Duong(età:38)
David Sparrow(età:36)
Terry Tweed(età:55)
Caroline Lee(età:45)

Technical staff

Enrico Campanaarredatore
Lynne Mackaycostumista
Carol Marinoffparrucchiere
Gerry Holmesscenografo
Inge Klauditruccatore
Christine Harttruccatore
Shana Landsburgcasting
Divyo rae Putneyparrucchiere
Bill Laytonscenografo
Geoffrey Erbdirettore della fotografia
James Mcvaymusiche