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A Fight for Jenny [filmTV] (1986)

Original title: a fight for jenny
Production: USA|95 min| tv movie
Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie A Fight for Jenny [filmTV]
when kelsey remarries, her struggle to get custody of her daughter from her first marriage is complicated by her current husband being black.


Gilbert MosesGilbert Mosesregista

Production and Screenplay

Robert Greenwaldproduttore esecutivo
Jonathan Bernsteinproduttore
Daniel Shawproduttore
Paul eric Myerssceneggiatore
Judy Merlsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Drew Snyder(età:40)
Jean SmartJean Smart(età:26)
James Staley(età:38)
Wally Taylor(età:56)
Lynne Moody(età:40)

Technical staff

Alexander Gruszynskidirettore della fotografia
Nick Ashfordmusiche
Cynthia T. lewisarredatore
Robert Floriomontatore
Pat Tonnemacostumista
Julie kaye Fantonscenografo
Valerie Simpsonmusiche