Database of cinema, music, history and literature

A Ghost Story (2017)

Original title: a ghost story
Production: USA|92 min
Dramatic, Fantasy, Romantic
Poster of movie A Ghost Story
in this singular exploration of legacy, love, loss, and the enormity of existence, a recently deceased, white-sheeted ghost returns to his suburban home to try to reconnect with his bereft wife.


David LoweryDavid Loweryregista

Production and Screenplay

Toby Halbrooksproduttore
David LoweryDavid Lowerysceneggiatore
James M. johnstonproduttore
Liz Cardenasproduttore
Adam Donagheyproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

McColm Sephas Jr.
Brea GrantBrea Grant(età:36)
Kenneisha Thompson
Rooney MaraRooney Mara(età:32)
Casey AffleckCasey Affleck(età:42)
Grover Coulson
(uomo sulla sedia a rotelle)
Barlow Jacobs
(uomo al telefono)
Will Oldham(età:47)
(fantasma donna)
David Miller(età:108)
Aaron Roberts(età:38)
David LoweryDavid Lowery(età:37)
Rob Zabrecky(età:49)

Technical staff

Jade HealyJade Healyscenografo
Daniel Hartmusiche
Adam Willisarredatore
Annell Brodeurcostumista
Tisha Bloodcasting
Amy l. Forsythetruccatore
David LoweryDavid Lowerymontatore
David Pinkscenografo
Andrew Droz Palermodirettore della fotografia

Music tracks of the soundtrack