Database of cinema, music, history and literature

A Good Man in Africa (1994)

Original title: a good man in africa
Production: USA|94 min
Comedy, Political
Poster of movie A Good Man in Africa

Origin of the subject


Bruce BeresfordBruce Beresfordregista

Production and Screenplay

Bruce BeresfordBruce Beresfordproduttore
John FiedlerJohn Fiedlerproduttore
William BoydWilliam Boydproduttore
William BoydWilliam Boydsceneggiatore
Sharon Harelproduttore esecutivo
Mark Tarlovproduttore
Jane Barclayproduttore esecutivo
Avi Lernerproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Morgan Leafy
Colin FrielsColin Friels(età:42)
adekunle double
arthur fanshawe
John LithgowJohn Lithgow(età:49)
celia adekunle
chloe fanshawe
Diana RiggDiana Rigg(età:56)
christmas boy
christmas girl
customs official
friday, leafy's houseman
hazel, leafy's mistress
heavy in car
highlife singer
hospital sister
innocence, maid who was struck by lightning
priscilla fanshawe
roadside barman
shack barman
lady in waiting
ezekial, cameriere al club
sonny, il fratello di hazel
peter, l'autista di leafy
dottor alex murray
Sean ConnerySean Connery(età:64)
professor sam adekunle

Technical staff

Andrzej BartkowiakAndrzej Bartkowiakdirettore della fotografia
Herbert Pinterscenografo
Billy HopkinsBilly Hopkinscasting
Susie Figgiscasting
Ilona Hermantruccatore
John Du prezmusiche
Rosemary Burrowscostumista
Victor Bothaarredatore
Tracy Crystaltruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1994)