Database of cinema, music, history and literature

A Hill in Korea (1956)

Original title: a hill in korea
Production: UK|84 min| black and white
Dramatic, Action, War
Poster of movie A Hill in Korea

Origin of the subject

Historical episodes of setting


Julian Amyesregista

Production and Screenplay

Ian Dalrympleproduttore
Ian Dalrymplesceneggiatore
Anthony Squireproduttore
Anthony Squiresceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Harry AndrewsHarry Andrews(età:45)
Michael CaineMichael Caine(età:23)
Percy HerbertPercy Herbert(età:36)
Robert ShawRobert Shaw(età:29)
Stephen BoydStephen Boyd(età:28)
Stanley BakerStanley Baker(età:28)
George BakerGeorge Baker(età:27)
David Morrell(età:13)
Eric Corrie(età:32)
Harry Landis(età:25)

Technical staff

Freddie FrancisFreddie Francisdirettore della fotografia
Malcolm ArnoldMalcolm Arnoldmusiche
Peter Huntmontatore
Trevor Crole-reestruccatore
Cedric Dawescenografo