Database of cinema, music, history and literature

a knight's tale (2001)

Original title: a knight's tale
Production: USA|132 min
Comedy, Action, Romantic
Poster of movie a knight's tale
born very poor in the most unfortunate london, william seeks a social redemption in the cavalry and the way to conquer the fascinating and haughty jocelyn, which the rules of caste have already given to count adhemar. from obscure grooms, william, thanks to his innate talents, becomes a great champion of chivalric tournaments and, to give more luster to his credentials, he adopts a stage name and invents a past that makes him pass for an aristocrat.


Brian HelgelandBrian Helgelandregista

Production and Screenplay

Tim Vanrellimproduttore
Brian HelgelandBrian Helgelandproduttore
Brian HelgelandBrian Helgelandsceneggiatore
Todd Blackproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

william thatcher/sir ulrich von lichtenstein of gelderland
Heath LedgerHeath Ledger(età:22)
William Thatcher / Ulrich VonLichtenstein
Heath LedgerHeath Ledger(età:22)
conte adhemar di anjou
Rufus SewellRufus Sewell(età:34)
Geoffrey Chaucer
Paul BettanyPaul Bettany(età:30)
Laura FraserLaura Fraser(età:25)
Mark AddyMark Addy(età:37)
wat falhurst
Alan TudykAlan Tudyk(età:30)
edoardo il principe nero
James PurefoyJames Purefoy(età:37)
young william thacher
Leagh ConwellLeagh Conwell(età:11)
john thatcher
Scott HandyScott Handy(età:33)
phillipa chaucer (personaggio tagliato dalle scene)
sir william
sir thomas colville/edward, the black prince of wales
araldo di adhemar
Nick Brimble(età:57)
Karel DobryKarel Dobry(età:32)

Technical staff

David BowieDavid Bowiemusiche
Eric ClaptonEric Claptonmusiche
Carter BurwellCarter Burwellmusiche
Kevin Stittmontatore
Richard Greatrexdirettore della fotografia
Tony Burroughscenografo
Caroline Harriscostumista

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2001)

Tiziana AvaristaTiziana Avarista Voice of Jocelyn
Vittorio De AngelisVittorio De Angelis Voice of sir william
Massimiliano VirgiliiMassimiliano Virgilii Voice of sir thomas colville/edward, the black prince of wales

Music tracks of the soundtrack