Database of cinema, music, history and literature

a madea christmas (2013)

Original title: a madea christmas
Production: UK, USA|100 min
Comedy, Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie a madea christmas
madea dispenses her unique form of holiday spirit on rural town when she's coaxed into helping a friend pay her daughter a surprise visit in the country for christmas.
This movie is episode 8 of the series madea composed by:

Festivals and awards

Razzie 2014 - nomination Worst Director
Assigned to: Tyler Perry


Tyler PerryTyler Perryregista

Production and Screenplay

Matt Moore (attore)produttore
Tyler PerryTyler Perryproduttore
Tyler PerryTyler Perrysceneggiatore
Tyler PerryTyler Perryscrittore
Ozzie Areuproduttore
Jennifer Boothproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Kathy NajimyKathy Najimy(età:56)
Alicia WittAlicia Witt(età:38)
Lisa WhelchelLisa Whelchel(età:50)
Steve Boles(età:58)
Eric LivelyEric Lively(età:32)
Bart Hansard(età:50)
Tyler PerryTyler Perry(età:44)
Tika SumpterTika Sumpter(età:33)
JR LemonJR Lemon(età:30)
Todd Davis(età:45)
Clay Chappell(età:44)
Lucy Turner(età:12)

Technical staff

Maysie Hoymontatore
Alexander Gruszynskidirettore della fotografia
Kim Colemancasting
Johnetta Boonecostumista
Tracy Ewelltruccatore
Kimberly Jonestruccatore
Jennifer Niemantruccatore
Eloise Stammerjohnscenografo
Andrea C. brothertonAndrea C. brothertonparrucchiere
Lawrence Davisparrucchiere
Nikki Bellparrucchiere
Wanda Pattersontruccatore
Carol 'ci ci' Campbellparrucchiere
Keitric Starkstruccatore
Paul anthony Morrisparrucchiere
Sabrina Rowetruccatore
Dane Moorescenografo
Rhavynn Drummercasting