Database of cinema, music, history and literature

m5 codice diamanti (1966)

Original title: a man could get killed
Production: USA|100 min|
Thriller, Action, Spying

Festivals and awards


Ronald NeameRonald Neameregista
Cliff Owenregista

Production and Screenplay

Richard L. Breensceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

william beddoe
James GarnerJames Garner(età:38)
aurora/celeste da costa
Amy Franklin
Sandra DeeSandra Dee(età:24)
Martin BensonMartin Benson(età:48)
Cecil ParkerCecil Parker(età:69)
Robert CooteRobert Coote(età:57)
Isabel Dean(età:48)
Roland CulverRoland Culver(età:66)
Peter IllingPeter Illing(età:67)
Dulcie Gray(età:51)

Technical staff

Alma MacrorieAlma Macroriemontatore
ManGabor Poganydirettore della fotografia
Bert Kaempfertmusiche